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🎊1st Anniversary Party Archive🎊
❗This site is best viewed on desktop. Mobile is not recommended.❗
❗You can click on pictures to enlarge most of them. Some are excluded from this feature.❗
✨Some entries will be quote retweets. I will include the captions from the original posts underneath the quote retweet content.✨引用リツイートで応募される場合もあります。引用リツイート内容の下には、元の投稿のキャプションも記載します。

@822_faru: Charles & Lydie | シャルル & リディ, @azure_stardust: Maxime & Vanessa | マクシム & ヴァネッサ, @canotop_lumi: Hugo | ユーゴ, @Clonnehonkhonk: Bastien & Lisette | バスチアン & リゼット,@cocoav27: Amelie & Yelsy | アメリー & イェルシィ, @darkgreiga_dg: Celia | セリア, @iamachibi: Leo & Raoul | レオ & ラウル,
@LicoFlo: Eduoard | エドワール, @luminopoko Michelle | ミシェル,@perryseity Alexandra | アレクサンドラ, @phiaarte_ Lucien | リュシアン, @Quietchie Ana-Maria, Falk, & Laplace | アナマリア, ファルク, & ラプラス,
@ThaissingArts August & Gaspard | アウグスト & ガスパル♥♥♥
List of Days | 日数一覧
✨If you're the original user who sent in a submission for Luminaria Party and would like anything from your submission to be changed, please email me at [email protected]✨もしあなたがルミナリエパーティーのために投稿を送ったオリジナルユーザーで、あなたの投稿から何かを変更してほしい場合は、[email protected] までメールを送ってください。

🎊Day 1🎊1日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 1 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Leo Fourcade
B. [Tarot] 0. The Fool
C. Stars✨パーティーの1日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. レオ・フルカード
B. 0. 愚者 (タロット)
C. 星
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 1🎊1日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Leo Fourcade to life!
レオ・フルカードに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @Aaron__Dismuke🔉100% R: #新井良平#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"For @LuminariaParty
I want to invite all party goers to join and sing TOMOSHI BEAT! Let's make a grand chorus of love for this game! #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #toluminaria"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Perhaps a bit fitting to todays prompt "stars", i wanted to share some ideas for a Loading Screen for a Lumi console version ✨(*all assets are from original game files except the font)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"Bang.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"For the sake of the good old times, here a Leo Summon#lumiparty2022 #LumiParty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Leo´s day, so here are the original episode artworks/renders of his ep.1 and ep.2 ❣️Yes those are from the original game files.(If you are looking for them, check the UI/Ui external folders in the files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#LumiParty #lumiparty2022
Day 1: Leo
When I first played Lumi I was in a bad place. I’d injured my right thumb and was devastated I couldn’t play games. I found I could play Lumi 1 handed. It was life changing. I could play a game! Not just any game: a Tales game!I’d heard the ‘not a real Tales’ rumors. I was nervous. Would I enjoy it?
But the second I met Leo I knew they were wrong. I recognized him as a lovable Tales MC immediately. I’ll always treasure what Lumi gave me! A chance to play Tales! Leo even became my fave Tales MC!Cue shocked gasps from my mutuals that Leo usurped ClessCless will always be my precious son, but Leo resonated with me. As the story went on, his writing held such depth that I’m not sure we’ll ever see again. I’ll miss you always, Leo! Thanks for giving me hope!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"I'm starting my post for the event with a story I've planned way before the EoS. Switched day 1 prompt (Leo) and day 2 prompt (Celia) for a reason.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"I drew for the story I wrote for day 1 and included it because AO3 is awesome enough to let us put images in it. Here's a clearer look.
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"My first piece to kick off #lumiparty2022 , something I had been working on for like...maybe 4 months now. 😂 Fitting for the spooky season too, it's the Blaze Seniors caught at a haunted house! 👻🏚️🎃#lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @elilaflav"~ Pizza Party! With Maxime and Pusheen! ~
Drawn by me!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリアRead the comment below for the backstory on this duo!When I met with @RiccoFajardo
, I was wearing a Pusheen shirt, and he commented how much he liked her when she was eating pizza, so I had a thought- how about I draw Maxime & Pusheen eating pizza TOGETHER! So I drew them sitting at a kotatsu eating together ❤️#lumiparty2022I usually redraw things, but for this I used myself as a reference by taking pictures of myself in different poses to create the way Maxime looks in this drawing! I had a lot of fun with this one 🥰 first not-so-redrawn drawing I’ve done in awhile"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 1 - Leo FourcadeThe party starts with our lovely noble boy Leo! I really like his friendship with Hugo and Celia. Best talk in episode 1: Momma Celia and Papa Hugo! And the Uchilchil Gidufun 😂#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"In his episode 2 I really love the cute little Leo, so adorable 🥺 The scenes with Laplace were great. And of course Leo was so cool, he acted absolutely noble 😎#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 1, Leo.This is my first luminaria multi
Illustrations are still in practice, so I'll use past posts and text.
#lumiparty2022I wanted to read the Valentine's Day skit, so I posted a recruitment on Twitter for the first time, and some people encouraged me to do my best during the multi, and I got a lot of likes on Twitter. Thank you warm luminaries for that time."
Original Post's Caption:
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"You gotta admit... he's kind of got a point.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Lion on the prowl...
#talesofluminaria #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty2022 is starting and i'm planning to do some chibi sketches of prompt set A (charas) + my thoughts to celebrate!But first, a bit of nostalgia; my acc. Not the recent one since i am r20-ish. I said "probably" but Ed ended up being my main 4ever. /w full set ep 1 too."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 1: Leo Fourcade wish to hear your noble voices!Starting off, we have our beloved face of the franchise; Leo who is always ready to help those in need!My first impression of him is that he reminds me of Luke's appearance wise and i starting to took interest in him during his breakdown in ep 1 in that cave sequence which made me think; there seems to be more of his lore and view in nobility than meets the eye.I really love his heroic yet reckless/oblivious personality and enjoy the moments when he get to be on screen. I think he is the type of person you would love to have as a friend!As the character you start with, he is pretty easy to use too!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"Day 1 - Leo Fourcade
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
I was sooo excited when I was first introduced to this mabo curry-loving tales hero! here's a close-up of my earlier drawings of Leo, phone bg sizedI like how he carries his grandma's will to live a noble life, and while pondering about what is noble or not, he's quick to take action and saving lives. I like his uplifting energy and friendliness! he uses blade swords and it's super cool!!! I close this talk with a 🍕."
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"I don't have any new art to share and I can't draw atm so I guess I'll just repost the flower portraits!
Day 1 of the #Lumiparty2022 is Leo day so let me talk about this wonderful bean and why I think he's a great protagonist!When I first started getting into Lumi, I thought he was just ye old regular no thoughts head empty protagonist. He was overly excitable, he eats alot, he acts before he thinks.
But I soon had to discover that there was so much more to him than just thatLeo isn't only kind. He's truly noble. Everything he ever does is to help and support others. If you really pay attention to it, there's no selfish bone in his body, he always puts others first, protects them no matter what.Leo is noble to the core and I'm sure his grandma would be so proud of him if she could see him now"
Original Post's Caption:
"Magnolia: "Nobility of Heart"
There's no better fit for the most noble of Blaze cadets out there, he's truly noble to the core and puts others first, even if it means going against the rules. #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"I wanted to draw the Tarot deck with the cast, I even plotted out who'd be what Major Arcana, but I'm in too much pain with too little time.So here's chibis I did instead when learning to draw past the pain. First is Leo!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"I'll post more content for the party soon, so for now, I'll be sharing this salty multi pull. I already decided I wanted to main Celia and after a pulling spree, her *5 costume came right on the day before the free tickets were given out.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"And since I forgot yesterday, here our rainbow Noble and his badges in the thread.(from the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"My favorite scene from Leo's episodes is a little hard to pick with the limited editing tool I have. This short banter is one of them where the trio take turns on being the parents. One of the many reasons why they're my favorite team/group in the game.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"(Delayed) Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our favorite Noble Bunny.🐰✨(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"I really like this Animation for the Mystic Arte. The way he swings his blade is so cool yet even a bit gracefully and the landing just as fiery as he himself...Gosh i just love him❣️#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"A fool, let to believe he´s doing good by his greatest enemy..."(Finally, with a delay of several days, I can contribute my part to day 1: Leo-The fool. Hope you like it as much as I do)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Inokinako_"Day 1. LEO
1️⃣ST LOOK: looks like luke. watched his trailer didn't really pay attention but his voice was weird to me😅 Didn't like nor dislike the chara itself but Leo didn't really interest me, I came into his ep thinking it was just a tutorial to get through, a chore, the hurdle blocking me from playing the other charas who appealed to me (IM SORRY LEO..)👇NOW: I wish I'd paid better attention to his ep & appreciated him more like I do now (I did recently rewatch a playthrough to redeem myself!). Looking back on it, I actually did enjoy his ep no matter what others say! And I love & appreciate Leo for the chara he is! He may be stupid but he's my kinda stupid. He definitely has his flaws but that's what makes him fun. Sometimes he makes me🤦smh, but generally I'm rather fond of him!His catchline "Noble" is very catchy, and I'd love to work it into my everyday vocabulary somehow!Gosh I have so much more to say but my notes were getting too long so I'll get back to this after I do the others! o7"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"I also never posted for Leo's day but I did make my boi
"Also did his Blaze Ceremonial fit for him as well"
🎊End of Day 1🎊1日目終了🎊
🎊Day 2🎊2日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 2 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Celia Arvier
B. [Tarot] I. The Magician
C. Training✨パーティーの2日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. セリア・アルヴィエ
B. I. 魔術師 (タロット)
C. 稽古
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 2🎊2日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Celia Arvier to life!
セリア・アルヴィエに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @CristinaVee🔉100% R: #岡咲美保#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"For day 2 of #lumiparty2022 its my Gaspard from in game! So proud of him.😁🍞#lumiparty #talesofluminariaLook how close he was to tye next level!!! I'll always be a little vexed my last few pulls had so many 3* weapons rather than costumes. Just a couple more and he could have reached 48. 😅"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @donadogg"レオ一発描きで失礼します🙇
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @yud_firman"This is my cellia for #lumiparty2022 i'm love her so much, so many memories with her and friend from raid"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"@LuminariaPartyI just discovered the wheel and just had fun to see how long Leo and Hugo would survive.The boss was an epic battle between Maxime and Charles, in which Charles claims victory.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ForglordMcDuke"#LumiParty #lumiparty2022Day 2: CeliaCelia reminded me a lot of my younger self. Struggling to find her place and to find her worth. I spent the entirety of her 1st episode cheering her on! I wish I could’ve seen her grow to believe in herself! Maybe someday I will!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Celias day, so here are the original episode artworks/renders of her ep.1 and ep.2 🦋(Those are from the original game files. If you are looking for them, check the UI/Ui external folders in the files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"May I offer all the Celia fans a rainbow Celia and her badges? Take a look at this thread then. 🦋(All files from the original UI files)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"#LumiParty #lumiparty2022Celica is voiced by my favorite voice actor and I'll always cherish this poster I have with her on it. I always liked Celica her 2nd story pulled at my heart strings at the end."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 2 post! Another story I did that's loosely connected to yesterday's. Leo-centric and from the swapped prompts. There's another art I did here just like yesterday, but I'll post it later.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Just like yesterday, I drew something for the fic. The drawing was actually finished before the story got to this part, so my writing had to adjust to the situation depicted in the drawing.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @kotosnoozy"it's celia day!!! 🏹✨ #lumiparty2022
i decided to draw some of my faves with tales legacy characters i think they'd get along with!! so here's a couple of sapphic ladies 😌🌈"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 2 - Celia ArvierI totally love the development of Celia. Her resolve is great! She's the best bow user for me. I like her together with Michelle. And I have to say: I'm just like Hugo's fans 👀#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Celia's episode 2 is a bit too long and I don't like the end so much... But I still like her! The growing friendship between Celia, Michelle and Vanessa is great. Vanessa's reaction to the child couple 👌😂#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Guardian of childhood innocence...
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Celia time!!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day 2
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"Day 2: Celia
I dont really do art so here's an old Recreation of Celia I did in Code Vein
She is also best Lumi girl
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"Day 2 of #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty and it's Celia day!
I gotta be honest, most of the time I'm very critical of the "friendship trio that consists of two guys and a girl" trope because most of the time it ends up with the guys fighting over the girl. But Lumi did betterLumi gave us an extremely strong female lead, a person who cares about her childhood friends so much to a point she'd give up anything for their happiness. Leo and Hugo are like brothers to her and whatever she does, she does it to protect them from the shadowsAnd then Michelle joined, and their dynamic shifted. I feel like alot of her interactions with Michelle was her realizing her own self worth and how it isn't directly connected to taking care of Leo and Hugo. That she's just an amazing person periodI feel like it was a very important lesson for her to learn... And I'm so glad she got to learn that lesson early."
Original Post's Caption:
"Lily of the Valley: "Returning Happiness", "Trust"
Celia is someone who dedicates her entire life to always put smiles on the people she cares about the most, putting her friends' well-being always over her own #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 2, CeliaI am not good with bows and Celia was really difficult to control for me. I also had a really hard time with the secret missions. I ended up not completing the target fitting until the end.
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 Day 2: Celia Arvier here to make sure you're still keeping an eye of yourself in the middle of the celebration and also come with her for a bit of shopping.The 2nd of JF gang & Le Sant trio for the 2nd day; the caring Celia!My first impression perhaps could be described as "concern". I am one of those that is worried by the 1 girl and her 2 boy best friend she wish to catch up to setting because most time they would shove the girl to sidelines ft. offscreen training or smth else.Im glad to say that this concern slowly but surely is fading. She is a good caretaker of her friends, has her own place in the narrative and also has her own special asset in combat; which are her sharp eyes and great analysis. Her ep.1 is rlly satsfying to progressAs she and Michelle progressively become a better team and also individual despite the doubts/uncertainty they initially had. She is also a good mirror/rival pair for Laplace during the crossroad episodeBeing the sharp strategist, Celia's gameplay also requires precision and ultilization of environment (hiding spots). its a tough one to pull but its always satisfying to see that you able to hit the bulls eye."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"More fave parts, to catch up with the past character prompts.
Celia's 2nd episode might be long and boring for some, but it's got plenty of funny NPCs! Yet out of those awesome ones, my favorite pick is...
"Fourcade-style Mystic Arte! Beast's Rawr!"
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"((Delayed) Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our Le Sant Big Sis 🦋(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
🎊End of Day 2🎊2日目終了🎊
🎊Day 3🎊3日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 3 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Michelle Bouquet
B. [Tarot] II. The High Priestess
C. Heal✨パーティーの3日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. ミシェル・ブーケ
B. II. 女教皇 (タロット)
C. 癒す
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 3🎊3日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Michelle Bouquet to life!
ミシェル・ブーケに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @DawnMBennettVA🔉100% R: #緒方佑奈#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"Day 3: My Gaspard standee with custom bread hat. (Maybe one day I'll look into making it something more substantial than a piece of paper lol)
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the day of my name-sister Michelle!I used to really dislike my name in the past, but thanks to our coolest beauty, I learned to appreciate it.And Mr. Fourcade calling her name was always a bit charming for me
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Michelles day, so here we have her rainbow version and her cute badges. 🍀The rainbow style really fits the overall visuals of her fighting style.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 3: Michelle as a nurse! A fitting role because she's technically a healer in the game. Kinda, unless she's spamming wolves or summoning the demon. Or big frog.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 3: Michelle
Her 1st episode resonated with me. I lost my mother 7 years ago. While she was dying, there was always a part of me that held out hope that she would get better. Everything Michelle said while trying to save her grandpa were echoesEchoes of all the things I’d thought. I understood her pain. I wished I could hold her hand and help her through it. When she fought that final battle to protect her grandpa, I had never been so invested. I wasn’t just playing a game. I was protecting a little girl’s hope.When the episode was over, I finally let myself think about my loss. I finally let myself mourn. It was healing in a way I can’t explain. It set me on the road to finally accepting and letting myself feel over my loss. That’s something I can never thank Lumi enough for."

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Michelle's emotional support bunny#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"Toto made some new friends lately! 😊#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Its an older drawing, but i wanted to reshare Michy and Leo Bunnys!🐰💚❤#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"For Michelle's day on the prompt list, I'll reshare what I made for her birthday!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"I TRIED to speedrun this for at least the tail end of the day but in the end...I was exhausted from life things.😂Ah well. Belated happy birthday to my fave girl of #TalesofLuminaria! Someday I'll draw you sharing a spicy feast with Alphen while Leo and Law look on in horror."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 3 - Michelle BouquetShe is such a good person... Best girl for me! Michelle's first episode always makes me cry at the end. Just so emotional 😭 I hope she will meet Grace again in the future...#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Michelle's episode 2 is absolutely great! I love her and Leo together. So funny and sweet. Her frog MA is cute. Leo's words at the end are so... 🙈😂 Stay strong Michelle, I love you 💚#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Day 3! Miss Michelle Bouquet!!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"Day 3: MichelleIt's not the best but she was another character I made in Code Vein
Still upset we'll never see Michelle x Leo be a thing
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022This is the only in game screen shot I had of my Michelle, I got all her other outfit stuff though when they came out.Such a sweet girl, I liked her 2nd episode where she got mad at Leo at the end. 😂"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"Day 3 of #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty is Michelle day so! Let's talk about this sweet and gentle but also absolutely badass healer!At first Michelle comes of aa your typical shy but sweet love interest. Until you get to play her episode and find out how DEEP she actually is? Her episode was the first that actually made me cry. Hard.I felt for her on so many levels when she had to let go of her grandpa and let him pass, and you can tell how much it affected her. But at the end of the day, she's always a person who wants to do the right thing and protect othersOther than that she's also incredibly strong and a total badass in and out of battle? Not to mention that she literally got grandma-zoned by her crush, which to this day is still the funniest scene in Lumi lmao
She's such a deep and interesting character and I adore her"
Original Post's Caption:
"Daisy: "Innocence", "loyal love"
Despite seeming somewhat shy at first, Michelle is a headstrong, protective soul who faces a challenge head on if it means protecting the ones she loves. #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day3
save me i could not find a back or side reference so this is purely ????
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"I probably should've put some of my favorite parts for the episodes before, but oh well XD
The best part of Michelle's episode 2: grandma-zoned
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 3: Michelle Bouquet offers her assistance should you need help navigating through the party.A late submission but here comes the gentle (and i think the only) healer; Michelle~From the get go, i can see that she is gentle, kind and a bit of shy, but also capable of taking actions when needed to. However, i dont expect that she need to make such heavy decisions during her episode 1, which might be one of my favorite episodes.I love her friendship with Celia and how she eventually stand up for herself at the end of Celia's ep 1. I also wish that they develop her relation with Leo despite both kinda shot down each other at least once.I love her different animal spirit forms and her battle animations are all super beautiful! I am loving her aesthetic so much and enjoy her playstyle more than the other staff users."
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria Reminiscences, Day 3, MichelleMichelle's therapeutic techniques healed me a lot at the multi.I also joined the Michelle party to try to operate Michelle. I took a lot of pictures and had a lot of fun and felt very relaxed.
Original Post's Caption:
Original Post's Caption:
Original Post's Caption:
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"(Delayed) Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our thoughest healer and future Ms. Fourcade 🌶️(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @yud_firman"Today is michelle day, the most adorable and yandere girl 😆#lumiparty"
🎊End of Day 3🎊3日目終了🎊
🎊Day 4🎊4日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 4 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Maxime Hasselmans
B. [Tarot] III. The Empress
C. Dance✨パーティーの4日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. マクシム・アセルマン
B. III. 女帝 (タロット)
C. ダンス
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 4🎊4日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Maxime Hasselmans to life!
マクシム・アセルマンに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @RiccoFajardo🔉100% R: #斉藤壮馬#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"Day 4: Toto!She sends love to all Lumi fans! ❤
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @he72kiou"ルミナリアパーティー4日目〜🎉🥳
#lumiparty2022Photo by りょうやさん(@otm2525)"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"So for todays prompt Maxime-Dance, here a recording of the beloved minigame!
Please excuse my poor dancing skills.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 4, Maxim.It's a Lucian episode, and the trust between them is precious and wonderful!
If there was some kind of secret technique where two people could work together to perform a move, a cut-in like this would be wonderful!
"As an added bonus, I have also included a video. It is in Japanese, so I would be happy if you could just enjoy the atmosphere."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 4: (Best Boy) Maxime
Many characters in Lumi were initially presented as a common anime trope only to cleverly flip the script and reward invested players with more depth in later episodes. Maxime’s reversal was incredibly satisfying!While introduced as what players would think to be a snobby rich kid, it’s revealed time and time again that he is incredibly generous and kind. Seeing him become one of the most popular characters in the fandom has been so great! Well deserved, Maxime! You were the finest!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 4: Dancing Yelmacky!
I've always liked their dynamics and while they both come from noble families, they don't feel like nobles at all! A very informal princess and a broke yet kind nobleman? Now that's new!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the day of our favorite dancer Maxime, so here the original renders from his ep.1 and ep. 2(If you are looking for them, check the UI/Ui external folders in the files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Maximes day, so here you have Rainbow Maxime and his badges#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Since todays prompt is also "dance", here some original UI files (walkthrough) from the dance minigame from Maximes episode 2.(Ff you are looking for them, check the langen folder, and probably the langja folder too)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"I wish Lumi succeeded not just because it had so much heart and bad luck but also because everybody missed out on how great best boy MAXIME HASSELMANS is
(Photo taken in the 5 hours after EOS I was clinging on 🤣)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"(in reply to @LuminariaParty) Hahaha, I do pride myself on taking some mighty cute Look Mode pics! It’s great for art ref and looking at detail. The rest is on my PC at home 🥲📸
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 4 - Maxime HasselmansMy first impression of him was not so good... But wow, I was so wrong, Maxime is such a good boy! I totally love his dream at the beginning 😂 And: The hottie's little brother 🤣#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Maxime's ep. 2 is sooo good! I don't like his outfit so much, but his date with Hortense and the rescue of her & Sinan was absolutely great! Leo & the others were so funny. His father & brother are stupid 😤#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Maxime Hasselmans, at your service!!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @kotosnoozy"it's MAXIME HASSELMANS o'clock!! 🫖🌹 #lumiparty2022
a pair of clownish fancy boys spot you from across the way and they're both smitten in an instant! which prince will you choose? 😳💖"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Also have this little doodle I made last night because why not.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Lucien could never!#lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"For Maxime's day, the one idea on my list that really just stuck out to me was a Halloween concept for him! 😄 As I've said before, I have a bias for werewolves. I put quite some thought into this too.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリアI agree the creature isn't quite fitting to Maxime's character, but hear me out here. If the popular opinion (it seems) is to make Lucien a vampire, then making Maxime a werewolf is just keeping in line with the rivalry. 😉 For werewolves are commonly the rivals of vampires."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"And of course, I must share the measure of how much I loved Macky. Of course he was my main, I loved his gameplay the most!These were my final stats on him, and how far I took his Ep2 accessories! 😆 I also had his Ep2 armor and bow at level 12.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"This was how I performed on the first ever Bow Fave Fest. I actually could've had a score closer to the top two but my brain farted and didn't realize how the equipment point bonus worked until close to the end."
"But I came back STRONG in Maxime's focus Fave Fest! 😤 I had to! When I thought the game would at least go on until its 1st anniversary, I just felt there was something special about nailing 1st place for his first ever Fave Fest."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust" also went on to achieve the feat of soloing the entire Primordial Octad on NIGHTMARE with Maxime. 💪😤Let me tell you, it was no easy task with a weapon class that never got DoT artes. 😂"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Macky was one of my top favorite people in the game, his voice is one of my favorite male voices in history. He was fun and silly but also a very proper and respectful young man. Wish I knew someone in school like him."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 4: By the name of the Hasselmans, Maxime Hasselmans shall invite you to the greatest ballroom dance yet!Next up, we have the most noble of all; Maxime!I think i ever read a comment somewhere in-game that Maxime's heels is just a big as his ego. And you know what? They're pretty much right. Maxime is loud and proud but what surprises me is that he is not entirely that. He has a generous and noble soul-With the proof of it being his finale in ep 1. Sure he did break into the village's defense and all but he ended up giving his entire allowance to the child. That aside, his proud personality really make him shine whenever he is on screen. It give me some good laughs.I also love his dynamics with Yelsy and his rivalry with Lucien. He is like the voice reason and good support for Yelsy and he is indeed on par with Lucien. He really make a good team with one or even both of them as seen in Yelsy's ep 1.As expected from a Blaze cadet, his sniping skill is top notch. He is also my favorite bow user because i love his rapid shots and glad they patch it so you dont have to accidentally click on the food/menu when you snipe in the air."
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"It's Macky day! Day 4 of #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty and it's dedicated to one of my all time favorite fictional boys! Maxime Hasselmans! (You need to introduce him with both his first and last name pls)I swear, Maxime is actually so amazing, it's impossible NOT to love him. He seems so snobby at first and yes, for a short while he does hide behind his family name alot. But he learns so fast that there's so much worth to him that's not connected to his father's or brother's nameFor seemingly being so rich and spoiled he's incredibly kind and caring, literally sharing everything he owns with others. The fact that he offered all his pocket money to people who had less? THE FACT THAT HE HELPED THE GIRL HE LOVED ESCAPE WITH HER LOVER??just.. simply love and adore him so much, Lumi did such an amazing job with his character and his development."
Original Post's Caption:
"Red Rose: "Courage", "Love'
For someone who, despite seeming snooty and spoiled at first glance, is so selfless and caring, someone who keeps challenging himself despite how scared he might be, it seemed like a great fit. A true Gentleman, Maxime Hasselmans! #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"My fave part of Macky's episodes is between the fake arrow shot at Sinan, the encounter with the 'kidnappers' or the ending, but then I remembered this one...
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day 4
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"Day 4 - Maxime Hasselmans
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
mackyyyy you're awesome!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"Heard it's Maxime day today!!! #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty t"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"I FORGOT TO POST ON MY BOIS DAY
However I still wanna show him off in Code Vein#talesofluminaria
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"(Delayed) Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our dancing talent Maxime.🕺(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
🎊End of Day 4🎊4日目終了🎊
🎊Day 5🎊5日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 5 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Yelsy Tw'elteu Huainaz'jin
B. [Tarot] IV. The Emperor
C. Money✨パーティーの5日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. イェルシィ・トゥエルチュ・ハイナジン
B. IV. 皇帝 (タロット)
C. 金
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 5🎊5日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Yelsy Tw'elteu Huainaz'jin to life!
イェルシィ・トゥエルチュ・ハイナジンに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @SuzieYeung🔉100% R: #茜屋日海夏#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"Day 5: One of the cookies I made from an in game recipe!Made a while ago, but not posted on twitter before so probably new for most here. 😁#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 5, Yerushii.I loved Yelshi and Toto, Yelshi and Maxim, especially this combination!
She just makes everyone around her smile and light up!
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Toto is cute when he's operating Yelshi, but the way he moves in this video is just adorable!"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"This secret mission in Yersin was tough. I finally cleared it by standing in front of Maxim and catching fire until the time limit instead of defeating the enemy.🤣"
Original Post's Caption:
#ルミナリア シクレミッション"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"I want to use Yelsys day to remind everyone that there actually is a Toto buff/debuff icon in the original UI files from the game, alongside all the other battle stats icons, as you can see.What do you think it does?#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Original Post's Caption:
"UI💛so here are the battle stats icon and theres even one for Toto! I dont know what it does, but if it aint cuteness overload, im dissapointed."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 5: Yelsy
What I adored the most about Princess Yelsy’s 1st episode was seeing her interact with her people. She treated everyone like family and they treated her in kind. She has such a friendly and accepting nature that makes her ideal for her role!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the day of our favorite flower princess Yelsy, so here are the original renders from her ep.1 and ep. 2 🌸(Original Game files from the UI/UI external folders)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Yelsys day, so here her badges and Rainbow Yelsy in the thread. 🌸🌈(all files from the original game UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Since todays prompt is also money, here some UI files/Textures regarding that topic. 🪙Starting with the texture of a Gald.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 5: make way for August Wallenstein, the evil fonist! With a deck brush.
I wished that we'd be getting joke weapons like Amelie's laundry pole in the future, but... sigh...
Bow characters get a slingshot maybe...?
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 5 - Yelsy Tw'elteu Huainaz'jinI love this positive girl. Yelsy has a great character and Toto is just sooo sweet, cuteness overload! The Flower Knight of Amr Qhaghan... Such a fitting title 🌸#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Yelsy's episode 2 is so heartwarming. I like that all are worried about Toto and wanted to help. Love her ep. 2 outfit! I can't say it enough: Toto is sooo cute! And Gaspy's occurs was absolutely great ✨#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"What do you mean I'm supposed to draw Yelsy? This clearly IS Yelsy!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"Best girl, I adore her soooooo much 😭 I was interested in her and Lucien the most upon reveal and ohhh my god they didn’t disappoint whatsoever. She’s the best, my princess!!! 🧡🧡#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Hmmm idk which version I like better...
Yelsy is super sweet, smart, and strong! I love her so much ☺️🧡
#TALESOFLUMINARIA #toluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Yelsy Tw'elteu Huainaz'jin and Toto!!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Yelsy was my favorite character! I love her personality, she's fun, kind and gets serious when she needs to. Now I get to show all my pics for her. Could've been #1 Yelsy if I went hard on her raid, kinda regret it."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"Now it's Yelsy time, so let me reshare this cute collab between @janiforme
and I!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @yud_firman"My most favorite gal, yelsy, i love everything about her and of course toto, she ray of hope with her smile can even touch gaspard heart
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"Pretty world!! #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"I’m in love with her your honor
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Happy Birthday to super Yelsy!! ☺️🧡
#toluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"This (and the OG tweet) is the first instance of my absolute obsession with the Blaze seniors 💚🧡💛💝
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Sorry for excluding the star of the show, MAXIME HASSELMANS. He's peak comedy and characterization, I love him!! 🥰❤️"
Original Post's Caption:
"Tales of Luminaria doodles, I love the Blaze seniors (including the missing Maxime💚)"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
Wake up fellas, it's Yelsy day!
No matter who you pair her up with, she always brought a breath of fresh air into every episode she starred in, and I absolutely adore herShe's carefree in a free-spirited way and adds so much humor to the story. Her interactions with others are absolutely iconic and make her stand out to me as both the heart and the mood maker of the blaze cadetsOn top of all that, she's incredibly caring, always checking in on her friends and those she cares about. It shows the most in her interactions with Toto. The way she'd drop absolutely anything to help the ones she loves speaks volumes about her"
Original Post's Caption:
"Sunflower: "Adoration"
Yelsy is an absolute ray of sunshine, she has so much unconditional love and adoration for everyone around her, including Toto
I just couldn't think of any other flower for her #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"i want august to carry me everywhere though it'd probably make the pain worse actually nvm#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day 5 I dedicate this to you, peng
cough BEST cough Celia main
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Not a video this time, but this screenshot is my favorite from Yelsy's episodes.
I really like Yelsy's relationship with Toto. They're friends, partners, and siblings, all at the same time! And they both bring warm, cheerful vibes wherever they go!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NateNarcieq"I guess I'll chime in today too. It's been a bittersweet joy so far but I'd not be true to myself if I wouldn't spam Yelsy on her day.I loved her style and character a lot and I miss her so much. (all of them really)(see y'all on Ana-Day x3)
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NateNarcieq"Her and Ana's are the two openings I have saved on my phone :'3"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @cocoav27"一人マルチで倒せたのがイェルシィでしたいっぱい一緒にマルチって楽しかった!!
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"I miss Yelsey's day too but here she is too!
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 5: Yelsy and Toto wishes to eat waffles from their kingdom with you.The second upperclasmen is here! Time to introduce the super Yelsy (and Toto), who happened to be my best gal of the cast.I find myself liking her design but it is not until i see her in action that she slowly climbing to my list of favorite. She is friendly, welcoming and brimming with positivity. She is an interesting take of a royal princess background with everyone treating her as friend.This sociable side of her make her capable to befriend and joke with someone as serious as Vanessa, as well as pretty much the other cadets. They even give them nicknames to boot! No wonder she has the ability to see and befriend Toto.Ofc, we can't talk about Yelsy wihout mentioning Toto. Toto is such an adorable and great mascot for the series! Its nice to hear her finally able to speak at the end of Yelsy's ep1 and have others able to hear her in Yelsy's ep2. I look forward to see lore of her, too.Other thing that i wish to see in her story is probably her meeting the other royals; Ed and Ana-Maria. I get a feeling that Ana-Maria and Yelsy would be a quick friends and go on venture together while Ed acts as their caring big bro.Her gameplay is also super fun with the utilization of aerial combat, which make her one of my most fav character to use. Its not only flashy but also reflects her free nature, too~"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"(Delayed) Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of the Amr Quaghan Princess. 🌸👑(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
🎊End of Day 5🎊5日目終了🎊
🎊Day 6🎊6日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 6 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Vanessa Morax
B. [Tarot] 0. The Fool
C. Stars✨パーティーの6日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. レオ・フルカード
B. 0. 愚者 (タロット)
C. 星
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 6🎊6日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Vanessa Morax to life!
ヴァネッサ・モラクスに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @marchimark🔉100% R: #八巻アンナ#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"One of todays prompts is 'secret', so here we have video proof of secret communication about world peace between a noble and his polwigles!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"Day 6: One of my favourite conversations!Yelsy ep 2 was filled with so many fun interactions between characters, including the unlikely trio of Yelsy, Michelle and Gaspard. It just worked so well; they were hilarious together. Loved this episode. 🥰#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriiza"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 6, VanessaVanessa tries hard to do what she is not good at for her friends and tries even harder to please for Yelshi. I like her for that kindness.I just laughed at the barbs in this acting scene.
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 6: Vanessa
We only got 1 episode with her, but it spoke volumes. It was lovely to see her eventually discover who she wanted to be and what she was fighting for! Here’s to hoping we’ll be able to see more of her in time."

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @k_tar0ta"【The Hope That Binds Us】
Day 6(10/19): Vanessa Morax
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Vanessas Day, so here the original Render from her, unfortunately only one episode. ⚔️(From the original UI game files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 6: ATTEN-SHUN! Vanessa and Falk are going to be the security guards to make sure party participants obey the rules! Well, I guess Vanessa voluntarily joined while Falk was dragged when he knew he had to wear a uniform...
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"I just cant get over this scene; it had me shocked how quickly they got closer. And till today, i cant tell if they were honest or if it really was just a trick for the enemy, and Nessa just quickly understood it...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Vanessas Day, so here we have rainbow Nessa and her cool Badges.Why does her eggo badge look so serious tho?(All files from the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Why dont you take a minute or two to listen to Kasshur OST while admiring the Ceremonial backview of Vanessa and Lucien?💜💙#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day 6
I actually like Vanessa but when she's being pit against Falk.. 😅
Goodbye Nessa there is 0 chance of me choosing you for any fav fest over a certain angy boi. The same goes for Ed.
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"Give it up for Ms. Vanessa Morax!!! ⚔️🎀
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Meet the most frightening merchant of the lumiverse!#lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 6 - Vanessa MoraxShe is a really cool and strong girl! I totally love her scenes with Lucien. So many reactions of Vanessa are hilarious 😂 I also like her sense of justice. I want her episode 2 😭#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Vanessa Morax!! Her design is so good.😭#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリアThe only achievement I have with Vanessa was getting a top ranking with her during Falk's fest. I liked in her story when her and Lucien pulled a fast one on the people trying to sneak attack them. They were great together."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"Day 6 Vanessa
Her reactions to love talk and getting all embarrassed about it was always something I loved about her especially that one skit in Celia's ep2 with the little girl
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"Courtly Romance and the effect on Today’s Youth
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
It's Vanessa's turn!
Not gonna lie, this one's my least favorite drawing, and coincidentally it's of my least favorite character, but let me tell you why I changed my mind about herKeeping the personal reasons aside (because there IS a very personal reason why I sort of had this dislike towards her from the very beginning, but let's not unpack that), I was never a huge trope of the entire "I exist as nothing but a weapon" tropeVanessa very much seemed like the type of character who measured her worth in how many missions she accomplished, but it only took one episode to find out that there's so much more to her. Like the majority of Blaze, she had noble reasons for becoming a knightAnd even though she saw of herself as nothing but a tool, I feel like it only took her one episode to discover she's worth more than just that. It would've been so interesting to see her develop even more, but unfortunately that one episode is all we ever got from her"
Original Post's Caption:
"Dahlia: "Inner strength", "persistence"
As someone who sees herself as but a weapon to protect others, Vanessa possesses strength and an iron will, but there's beauty hidden inside of her. I really wish we'd gotten to see her discover her self worth though #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Lumi episodes are great as always and Vanessa's isn't an exception. Not when this dialogue is a thing in the beginning!
(somehow the cropped vid got corrupted so I have to convert it)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 6: Vanessa Morax wish to consult you about how to properly enjoy the party.Next up on the upperclassmen gang, we have the dedicated knight; Vanessa~I rlly love the JF seniors and Vanessa is no exception. I think she is a very cool character and as expected from the lines she speak in trailer ("I am a sword. A sword to cut down our foes."), she is indeed someone who focuses on her mission.Her personal episode give some extra depth to this as it shows us her own reasoning and also her journey to realize what is it she is fighting for and what it is that make someone a just knight. Or as she says; "what needs to be done."The awkward side of her when she caught off-guard, kostly when being asked about Lucien, is actually pretty cute. Speaking of, as a fan of "power couple" i really love the dynamic between her and Lucien. I really wish for them to be together but on the same time-I am a bit skeptical. I wonder what Lucien actually thinks of her. And also whenever one day, their ideals would clash just because //gestures at that one tagline on the website about killing other's justice// too bad we cant see the direction of their relation tho.I dont have a chance to play much of Vanessa since i haven't done her ep 1 but remember she had dual stance/mode that you can swap using hold atk? I wish i could experiment more with it."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Delayed) Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our awkward berserker girl Vanessa. ⚔️(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
🎊End of Day 6🎊6日目終了🎊
🎊Day 7🎊7日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 7 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Lucien Dufaure
B. [Tarot] VI. The Lovers
C. Regret✨パーティーの7日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA.リュシアン・デュフォール
B. VI. 恋人 (タロット)
C. 恨み
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 7🎊7日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Lucien Dufaure to life!
リュシアン・デュフォールに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @maioceaneyes🔉100% R: #上村祐翔#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 7, Lucian.This was the only picture I could find of the mulch 🤣.
Lucian is strong. I am just not a good operator. I wanted to practice more.I wanted to be praised like Maxim
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"I wanted her to continue to live happily in the Empire.
I would like to know how Lucian went to the Federation and his past."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 7: Lucien
Lucien is another character that only got 1 episode. I’ve always been exceptionally curious as to where the writers planned to take Lucien’s development! I hope one day we’ll get the chance, because I liked what I saw!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 7: Blaze soccer team, the boys version.
What if Aedis isn't a knight academy, but a sports academy? What if Blaze is the name of the elite soccer team representing the school? Embleos still exist and are allowed.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Falk hasn't slept in three weeks.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the perfect day to admire one of our best boys Lucien.(This is the original movie from the character menu, and thinking about it now, i will probably post the others i missed so far later too)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Luciens day, so here the original render from his, unfortunatly too, only episode. 🫖I think the end was the most interesting with fake Maulraux spoilering us about the "poison" in Luciens heart...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Luciens day, so here rainbow Lucy and his beautiful badges.(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ka01ru23"🎊Day7🎊7日目🎊
#lumiparty2022photo by りょうやさん(@otm2525)"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 7 - Lucien DufaureThis guy is so cool and hot 🔥 Love him! His episode is absolutely great! It's really a shame that we didn't get Lucien's ep. 2... I wanted to see how he goes wild and crazy 😭😂#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"This time I also want to share my Lucien merch. I really really love this hot villain 👀#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day 7 I love Lucien but I don't draw him much because he's too beautiful. I can't capture his true beauty.
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"Day 7: My guildies (and honorary guildie!) and I would all gather behind Raoul during Gemslay's breath attack for fun. Even if we were out of its range. Good memories for us that I share through this. 😊#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"The purest of evil and I would die for him.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"IT IS OFFICIALLY BEST BOIS DAY
"Also tried to recreate his Ceremonial outfit too"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"I love Lucien, he has a nice soothing voice and his personality is wonderful as well. I wanted to see how his story went specifically because of the part of the intro where he looks distressed. I wanted to see him get mad.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
Time to move onto one of the most mysterious characters the Lumi cast had to offer, Lucien ~
To be he's been one of the most fascinating characters from the very beginning. His entire demeanor, combined with his past.. it just makes you wanna know MOREUnfortunately we only got one episode with him, but between that and his appearances in other episodes, I really fell in love with his characterization. He's one of the characters that makes me wish I could take a peak at the notes and scripts Team Lumi had for future episodesIt's just, the knowledge that he presumably died during the attack on August's hometown, combined with the fact that his chronology states his health gets worse later on AND knowing that we never got to see the location of his embleo? TEAM LUMI WE HAVE QUESTIONS"
Original Post's Caption:
"Gladiolus: "Sword", "fighter"
Not only does he as the head of Blaze act as their sword to protect them and the Federation, Lucien's also certainly a fighter and survived every challenge he had to face so far - even if the circumstances are mysterious indeed. #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 7: Lucien Dufaure offer you a cup of tea for succesful 1 week.One of the day that I've been waiting for the day of the head of Blaze himself; Lucien! He is my 2nd most fav chara and also the reason why i give the game a go.Not only in-universe, im sure that he is also popular among player; i am one of those people. His design took my interest at the time and made me think to look more into the game.At first glance, he gives me the vibe of a senior knight. Almost like Flynn but not rlly.But after seeing him in action, i quickly realize that while he is indeed a model knight, he has his own twist. He is calm and wise, but is someone that has his own mischievous streak; be it by casual teasing or schemes. Big "o my/oya" energy indeed.It's really hard to figure out what he actually thinks behind his smile, especially in regards to how he think of others. He does his job well and at certain scenes, shows that he indeed have a kindness in his heart for his friends.He make a good pair with Vanessa, a worthy rival for Maxime and a dependable figure for his juniors. surprisingly, he also seems capable of striking casual conversation with Lisette. Sort of!Not only his personality, but his background is a mystery, too.There is his past after the empire's attack, his life as a Dufaure, his bad condition that seems to show itself at times and also his aspiration and end goal. I wish we could delve more into the "poisonous" side of his heart and maybe have him reunite with August.He is my main for greatsword user with Alexandra being a close 2nd candidate. His sword wave is very convenient when facing multiple enemies... or just when you want to attack in a distance.His swordmanship during cutscenes and anime are also great to watch. Its cool!//Mild fateful crossroad spoilerAnywho, yes. The anime! He truly shines there. He enters in a cool way, made me laugh during the time Lisette get mad at him and his fight with Alex is just so amazingly done. Esp that one certain sequence because boy thats smooth."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"My pick for Lucien day would be the two sides of him in a single scene, the last one before the credits. Also, poor Macky became the victim lol
(some audio didn't play for some reason and I don't even know why)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"Theory for what Lucien’s embleo looked like? 🤔 For this piece I went with his angel motif combined with the patterns on the corpses from the cart Gaspard destroyed in Leo EP1. What’s happening with him? Can we please see under his shirt Bamco? 💛
#LumiParty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"charles only writes fanfics about ana-maria and how much he thinks raoul sucks#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #lynloveslumi"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @raikutoenoru"Day 7 - Lucien is my main in Luminaria simply for being left handed like me. Hopefully we get to see more left handed playable characters in future Tales.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted by | 投稿者名: @Inokinako_"this tweet just triggered a memory thats either self-hallucinated or real but i think i remember way back when i was on tales tumblr, it was circulating that "Luminaria" (among a few other names) was bamco's new ©'d IPfirst #lumiparty #lumiparty2022 tweet ig??and i remember pausing mid-scroll to stare at the name for a while"Luminaria", i repeated in my head
and thought how nice it soundedthen when the game was announced, i went "oH! this was that IP they reserved years back!! i wonder what kind of game it'll be!"i was judgemental so i didnt think the game matched the image of "luminaria" (whatever thats supposed to mean)...to think that i would get so attached to a game i didnt think i'd like at all!!!now, i listen to the song Luminary Hope and imagine all kinds of scenarios this OST would play in
to me, its a song that carries my hopes for lumi's triumphant return 😤💪so when lumi comes back, i'm gonna blast this song on my speakers like nO TOMORROW!! AND THEN ILL SHED REAL TEARS AND CRY "WE WON!!!!"but even if it doesnt happen...this tales game will forever be luminous in my heart ❤and i think that's how
it's Tales of Luminaria😊PS. personally, i think 'Luminaria' is actually the prettiest sounding tales game! fight me 🤼♂️(actually dont, im weak KAJFALKF)(ok 'phantasia' and 'symphonia' are pretty nice names ngl)someone is gonna reply to this and be like: ino this never happenedwhen that happens, ill declare myself crazy ALSKFALFAS"
Original post by @to_luminaria:"A new project, underway
https://luminaria.tales-ch.jp#ルミナリア #TOLUMINARIA #テイルズ"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Inokinako_"ugh
thinks about lumi
clutches my chest
thinks about lumi
clutches my chest
thinks about lumi
clutches my chest
*thinks about lu--im sorry for shitposting on lucien day but this is all i can offer at the moment KLAJSFKLASF
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @phiaarte_"I dont have much time these past weeks but here is a re-upload of my fanart for my beloved white-haired man who deserves the whole universe at his feet as he captured my heart, Lucien Defaure✨#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア #ルミナリア1周年 #fanart"
🎊End of Day 7🎊7日目終了🎊
🎊Day 8🎊8日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 8 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Lisette Regnier
B. [Tarot] VII. The Chariot
C. Safety✨パーティーの8日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. リゼット・レニエ
B. VII. 戦車 (タロット)
C. 安全
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 8🎊8日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Lisette Regnier to life!
リゼット・レニエに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @ccarrollbeard🔉100% R: #嶋村侑#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 8, Lisette.Lisette is very student-oriented. Every word she says touches my heart.The other thing I'm curious about is the past and future with Gaspar. What I do know is that we are important to each other.
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Lisettes sday, so here the original renders from her episodes.I will forever love her ep 1 simply for the hilarous convos between Leo and Hugo about Lisettes age and Lisette in swimming clothes.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the Instructors day, so here rainbow Lisette and her Badges.(All files from the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our ice cold instructor with the warm heart.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"Lisette my beloved 🥲💜💜💜 She had such a difficult life but managed to still be a wonderful instructor with so much love. I want her to kick me through a wall. Strong and kind, I hope that she is free by the end of the story ☺️
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Happy birthday to the teacher who only wanted to be theirs a day more! Lisette was one of the best characters in Luminaria, will miss her dearly :,)
#ToLuminaria #ルミナリア #リゼット・レニエ"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 8: the (angry) teacher Lisette!
"Fourcade, you're late again. Do you know what that means today?" slams stick
Yet behind that strict exterior, there's still a nurturing and caring side of her.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine""You two, take my hand....for now"(Some Lisette thoughts in the comments)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリアLisette has a lot of unspoken words for Leo and Hugo, and I hope one day, she will get the chance to speak to them.Then, maybe even Hugo will lend an ear to her apology, even if he might never be able to forgive her...I wanted to see the further relationship between Lisette and Leo and Celia now. Will she avoid them, not able to say something? Will she stay silent, continuing her job? Does she have some cheerful words for Leo and Celia after Hugo left?She would love to talk, to say all of it, but just like Hugo, she knows that she cant, for Leos and Celias safety as well. So in the end , she and Hugo somehow have similar thoughts."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 8 - Lisette RegnierShe's not my favourite character, but I totally love the chatters between her, Hugo and Leo. Laughed so much. I just say ghost story, Lisette's age and swimsuits 😂#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Again great chatters, this time with Lucien and Vanessa. I love that Lisette's second episode overlap with Gaspard's first episode. I want to know so much more about their relationship and past 😭#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"taking a selfie with Aglaya!!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
"Lucien too!! oops he blinked"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Lisettonetta
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Who is ready for Party Leo??(Texture in the comments)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"Here the edited Texture. Just apply it to Leos 3D model (Daily Wear)
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Tried to draw her in more miasuian style 🤔#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"Day 8 Lissette
I loved how she acts all cold and rough but deep down she cares for her students and absolutely regrets everything she's down, especially to Hugo
It's a shame we never got to see her conclusion either
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"This pose was actually the first draft of my chibi for the countdown, but I had gone so far on the sketch that I thought it a waste to drop it entirely. So to finish it, I decided to put the Blaze Formal dress over it!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
I finally get to share one of my favorite drawings, hehe! It's Lisette day!!
God, Lisette has to be among the characters with one of the most tragic backstories? She's so caring and almost motherly deep down, but she's been through so muchNot to mention that she had to make multiple hard decisions to keep others safe and alive.. She's definitely strict on her students, no doubt about it, but it shows how deeply she cares about them. She'd do anything to keep them safene thing I've always wondered about was.. how would she react if she met Ed, the heir of the royal family of her homeland? The royal family that succumbed to the Empire and gave up on their land and their people?She did run into Ed in Episode Final, but she didn't seem to recognize him. I just think it would've been extremely interesting for her to find out who he really was. On top of that, her relationship with Gaspard is also something I was hoping we'd get more information aboutTo put it in a nutshell, Lisette is an extremely tragic character, shaped by her circumstances, but deeply holding onto her values and her kindness, deep down. And I absolutely love her for that"
Original Post's Caption:
"Hyssop: "Sacrifice"
Lisette is someone who had to sacrifice alot in her life, and she continues to make sacrifices for the sake of her students. Even if it means that others will hate her, she'll keep them safe, no matter what. #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Lisette was fun to play as and she as a character is great, she's a great mentor to all the students but the poor woman is being controlled by the Vikor and she tries her best still to do what's right.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Lisette's best moments are plenty and because my top favorite is in the final episode, I'll pick something 'similar' in her second episode. She really cares for her students and also Gaspard, but publicly, she's not hesitant to hurt/humiliate him.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 8: Instructor Lisette Regnier wonder if her cadets ever give you trouble.With the strict instructor done, the JF set is complete! I am not rlly used to draw this clothes+body type but i hope it turned well.On first impression, Lisette is strict and she is indeed is a drill sergeant sort of instructor. That doesn't mean that she is heartless though and i think its more of a tough love.She is also a great judge of character and her ep 1 is proof of this. (Also the part in the ep where Leo continously ask for her age is one of what i remember the most thx to Hugo.) Then ep 2 comes and it shows that she might have her own secrets and regrets.Which brings us to the question of; What exactly happened in tragedy Le-Sant? Did Hugo witness something he doesn't? Either way, it is becoming more obvious that JF is not as "clean" as it seems and tbh it's refreshing to see that both faction have their own "grey" area.I'm looking forward to see how the truth will affect other characters; Lisette included. I hope that she can fulfil her atonement, too.Other thing that i am curious about is her history with Gaspard and their relation to each other. Their contrast is amusing to see.Her playstyle seems to be focusing on grace/dance and honestly it looks neat! Her ability to rapid shoot while moving is fun too but then i realized that i can't really use if frequently because it gives me little to no mystic arte regen. Still my most fav gunner in game tho."
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Inokinako_"i just really like this ss
its like every time i see toto im automatically healed
agree? agree.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
(what day is Toto day!? mebe day 5 as part of yelsy's?? or day 3 Heal prompt)"
Original Post's Caption:
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day 8 I am slightly salty that we will never get to experience Instructor Lisette playing on the beach in a swimsuit
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
🎊End of Day 8🎊8日目終了🎊
🎊Day 9🎊9日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 9 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Eduoard "Ed" Roquier
B. [Tarot] VIII. Strength
C. Ruins✨パーティーの9日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. エドワール・ルキエ
B. VIII. 力 (タロット)
C. 廃墟
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 9🎊9日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Eduoard Roquier to life!
エドワール・ルキエに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @ElCidRecords🔉100% R: #坂田将吾#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"I thank bamco for putting him in that shirt every single day"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 9: Ed
He was such an interesting character. His difficult life left him feeling he had to be cold and untrusting to survive. It was nice to see the walls he built to protect himself slowly begin to fall. I would’ve liked to see him truly open up!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 9: Prince Edouard Rouquier (as the one night prince)
That softie prince from Miasui who might look like he's chasing gald all the time, but he's willing to help even if money isn't involved.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey""To all the things I wish I had known before..."#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria"
"As a young prince, suddenly homeless and forced to work as a mercenary, Ed had more than a hard time"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria Reminiscences, Day 9, Ed.Ed's memory is Episode 1, where he had to walk and run from one end to the other in the vast desert.I laughed really hard at how the watamusubi came over and over again when we did Ed with 4 people in multiplayer!
"Ed was cool and even more good-natured! Many people liked him that way. I was one of them."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the day of our fallen prince Ed, so here the original renders from his ep.1 and ep.2(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Edouards day, so here have rainbow Ed and his badges. ❄️(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of Miasuis prince.❄️(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 9 - Edouard RouquierEd is best boy for me!!! His first episode has so many great scenes. One of my favourites: "How much you willing to pay me?". I would pay him everything I have 👀🔥#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Ed's second episode is awesome. He's really a softie and of course a hero! And I love him even more for that 🥺 His fighting style is also great. I had so much fun with him... I NEED MORE!!!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Here you can see my Ed. He's my strongest character. I'm so proud that I got place 1 in both Fave Fests (and yes, I took holiday from work for that 😂). I love him sooo much. Ed is my number 1 💚#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"And now the last tweet for Ed day: My merch! I love all of them, they are so cool and pretty and cute and awesome. Just like Ed. I know I repeat me. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I NEED MORE!!!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Ed, I wanted to see when people found out about your past, I also wanted to see what was gonna happen in the story for this 1st pic to have been a thing in his opening. I feel like it had something to do with Lydie...#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"I think he needs a hug...or two.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"Day 9 EdBy far my favorite in the adventurers group his backstory intrigued me lots, also his costumes were the coolest, especially ep2
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"I would literally give this man all the money I have. It's not much at all whatsoever, but I'd do it if he asked.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Just two siblings after having had a nice meal in form of a gingerbread house (featuring witch Raoul)#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Beru_Mafun"Day 9 🍭
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"The #lumiparty2022 Tomoshi beat karaoke is still up! If you want to join you have to download smule, make an account etc but don't be shy we have a couple people who joined,could always use more lumi love!! #lumiparty"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Inokinako_if anyone wants to use these as reaction images, feel free to! i have these alternate versions too~ #lumiparty20221. og edit of just eyes closed (its actually a lot darker!)
2. tear bc we love to see lucien crying🥲
3. blush only bc lucien is doki-ing💓
4. tear + blush together""
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumipartyOH MY GOD YES ITS FINALLY ED DAY I CAN FINALLY SCREAM ABOUT ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOOOOYS
Ed. Ed, my beloved
Words cannot express how absolutely fascinated I was by this character
He's another one of these extremely tragic charactersAll the burdens he had to shoulder at such a young age.. just for everything to get ripped away from him by the Empire. Despite all that, all the grudges he seems to carry are towards himself? God, he needs to think more highly of himselfHe's so much better a person than he think he is, he's selfless, protective and heroic. He's the very embodiment of a hero and he doesn't even see it!! Somebody please let him know how amazing he is. Or give him a hug. Or both. Definitely bothAlso not to mention that his hometown has the best OST of the entire game, Frosthrone Ahsbam. And we never even got to listen to it within the game ;A; That's the most tragic part about it all"
Original Post's Caption:
"Sword Lily: "Strength", "remembrance", "moral integrity"
As much as he claims to be your standard run-of-the-mill mercenary, Ed is so much more than that. He acts on his moral beliefs and helps those in need, a true hero to the bone. #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"My favorite part from Ed's episode is probably everyone's favorite!
(initially thought that this part was bugged, but it's way better when it's made this way on purpose lol)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @donadogg"👻happy Halloween👻絶対今頃「ハッピーハロウィーン!!」で始まる一枚絵だったりスキットイベントあったと思うんですよ😫#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 9: Edouard Rouquier wish to know if you need any escort. He could use some job right now...The day that I've been waiting for. The start of the day of my fav faction, with my best chara and my main; reliable merc Ed~As someone who love aloof/cool characters, his design is one of those that got me not only hooked for his character but also wishing to learn more of the adventurers. I think not having to choose sides is rlly neat, esp considering what we learn from the 2 of them later.The idea of a prince from fell country becoming a mercenary is a very cool concept on itself but the lore behind it is tragic for sure. You can tell how rough his life is in the aftermath as he have to venture and witness even the most cruel part of the world.Although he give an impression of a cool professional who is here for the money, his interaction with the adventurers and the townsfolk they help along the way suggested that he actually someone with heart of gold. He still hold on his principle to help the people.He seems to harbor lots of regretfor not saving his country, which affect how he sees himself but honestly, I'd say that he shouldn't be as he still keep his country's honor in some way.Altho that makes me wonder, if we ever have a chance to reclaim Miasui.It could be some sort redemption for Ed! But should he choose to move forward and choose different path, i think that also cool, too. I just hope whatever he decide, it is something that makes him happy. He truly deserves it! Esp now that he has some comrades~I love how he essentially plays as the wiser/responsible person on the group alongside Raoul. He is also like an older brother figure for Lydie and Ana-Maria. Unsurprisingly, he also handle Charles' attitude well.I noticed that he sort of the opposite of each of them.He is more humble (maybe way too Humble) than Lydie, having more realistic of the world than Ana-Maria, less harsh with his bluntness than Charles and the party respects him more than Raoul. (Last one mostly played for jokes tho.)Idk if thats intentional but it's neat! (cont.)I main him because of his thief-esque gameplay. Fast-paced, flashy and have the tools i need to make up for how im not used of the controls. (Gap closer, quick dodge, aerial invisible frame) i ended up pulling for his whole ep1 set and spend more time playing as him.Despite being my most fav character, his ep1 is one of my least fav because traversing through the dessert esp without mini map and with wacky camera is not rlly a fun experience. I missed some fragments and also his accessory as i wish to finish it ASAP.Also s.o to that one person who commented on his episode; "which one is hotter? the dessert or Edouard?" Because it make me chuckle. (the answer is obv Ed.) Alao one who commented that "he should get his own tales game" because i agree.Almost forgot but i noticed his is one of the character other than Lydie who advise you to only turn up the game volume as long as it doesnt bother anyone and that is very nice of him!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"Another note is that this is the initial line for the chibi countdown. At first, he is holding mabo curry because its one of his fav and i used to hoard it just for him but then i swap it with a pose based on his idle. Its obv missing some details tho."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NateNarcieq"it's probably just the fuzzy hair/eye cover bangs plus the similar top but this thought has been haunting me ever since I first met Alhaitham.And with this I curse Ed day on #LumiParty2022 #LumiParty #TalesOfLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @tubasa49"エドの日おめでとうございます~#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"While we’re on the subject of Ed, for LumiParty. Weird Fact: I found out, while helping a friend archive his food preferences, that he likes all food (even Ana-Maria’s cooking!) EXCEPT dishes that prominently consist of eggs. Wild, right?"

🎊End of Day 9🎊9日目終了🎊
🎊Day 10🎊10日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 10 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Lydie Delacroix
B. [Tarot] IX. The Hermit
C. Gods✨パーティーの10日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. リディ・ドラクロワ
B. IX. 隠者 (タロット)
C. 神々
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 10🎊10日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Lydie Delacroix to life!
リディ・ドラクロワに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @CheramiLeigh🔉100% R: #内田真礼#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Who wants to buy Leo a Bunny T-Shirt? 🐰👕#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"Now hes wearing modern pants!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Watcha all saying about recolored Leo? 🤔#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 10: Lydie
I remember crying when Lydie so earnestly wished her father could say her name, see her, and love her. I wanted nothing more than to see her surrounded by people who cared about her. Through the rest of the Adventurer’s route, I got my wish"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Lydies day, so here the original render from her also only episode. 🍭#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Lydies day, so here our rainbow genius and her badges with her little " ´ " mouth.🌈(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our sweet loving genius. 🍭(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"I want to use Lydies Day to share the Primordial Beast badges.🦁🦅🐏🐠(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"I say it plain...evil Leo can step on me if he wants.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"And here some close ups from the vicar💠"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 10: Blaze soccer team, the girls version plus cheerleader Toto.
Other than the numbers of the second years, there's someone here with the same number as one of the guys. Definitely 'a coincidence'.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Dark Blaze Leo? Anyone? ❣️#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Meet the coolest middle-schooler in history!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 10 - Lydie DelacroixI don't like her fighting style, but she's a lovely & interesting person. I really like this genius 😁 I feel so sorry for her because of this father... Such a cruel asshole 😤#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Lydie!!! My cottoncandy-bubblegum daughter!! I wish you had a better playstyle; the ammo choices were cool, but the reload was way too long. Her first pellets that had 30 bullets should have been infinite for less damage.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"uh oh!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Bringing this back for
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Lydie no#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @lata_____5"推しに会いてええええええ#ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"forgot to share this for #lumiparty #lumiparty2022 earlier"
Original Post's Caption:
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"also this #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"what did he do now#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://bit.ly/3SbBr2i"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"😇
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"answer the question, vanessa#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://bit.ly/3QFq2Xf"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"💚
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"How Logical!#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://bit.ly/3QFq2Xf"
^Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @lata_____5
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Lydie's episode is the most serious one IMO, with some juicy details about the world's condition now left hanging, but then there's this NPC...
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
Here we go! Lydie day!
God, Lydie's backstory actually had me tear up at some points, I'm not even gonna lie. Of course, Bamco, of course you'd give your youngest cast member one of the saddest backstoriesYou can't help but feel for her and wish she'd been born into a different family, into different circumstances. Where she would've actually been allowed to be a CHILD.
Lydie had to grow up so fast, and it did give her a somewhat good understanding of the world around herBut it also made her bitter. She's a scientist through and through, and she's incredibly smart, not just for her age but in general. But I really hope she'd gotten an episode in the future where she learned to.. not be so focused on the future but enjoy the present"
Original Post's Caption:
"Dandelion: "Overcoming hardships"
As someone who was born into horrible circumstances and struggled so much in life and still came out victorious and incredibly smart on top of that, I figured there was no better fit for Lydie #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 10: Lydie Delacroix is thinking of a new non-perishables for you to taste test...2nd up we have the genius and the reason the adventurers unite; Lydie~Compared to the rest of the cast, her color palette is rather bright and colorful. It makes her catchy and shows a childish/dreamy charm (altho she prob hate hearing the latter).I love whenever a character claims that they are superior and has the power to back it up.And Lydie is exactly that traits. Reading books almost her entire life, she has vast knowledge and able to invent various things from her bunny reactor to non-perishable food. She is also sharp. She quickly realize the state of the world, Ed's identity and-The trap set to capture her at the station. She still retain her naivety and it often show itself at times, tho.Her backstory, without a doubt is one of the most sad ones. Her father is just the worst in more than one thing and its no wonder Lydie seeks an escape.I hope that she get to have better experience with the adventurer gang. May they be the one that welcomes her, cares about her and call her by her name. Their journey is still long, after all and they need to stick together.Her variety of bullets has potential but with the ammo and reload system, it becomes a bit complex. I have difficulty controlling her in her ep1 because there are no safe spot, you are alone and the boss in particular actively chases you + inflict big dmg. Still kinda fun tho!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"*t-poses aggressively towards you while also having Lydie's hair#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NateNarcieq"Gotta post on Lydie day too because ever since I saw this one frame, my mind goes back to it every now and then xDthis shot is so raw
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"I spent WAY too long making a height chart for the ToLu crew. More comments in the thread:Chart Link: https://bit.ly/3SvWQT1#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Lydie we both got daddy issues, some fathers can be so horrible and you deserved more, when he said he'd sell you and you might end up as someone's "play thing" I wanted to deck the crap out of him.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022You're smart and deserve so much respect, and to be treated better. Ed will do a great job protecting you, I only hope I get to see your story unfold and what you accomplish in the future.(Sorry for being a day late on Lydie everyone)."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @donadogg"リディちゃんの日〜🍭🐰⭐️
リディちゃんのロリポップキャンディーをグッズにして欲しい🥰どんな味があるのかな?#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @tubasa49"リディの日おめでとうございます!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 10, Liddy.Liddy and Raul, I don't know which one is older than the other 🤣 but even though it's episode 2, I think there's a sense that they're slowly trusting each other...
Also, this third one looks like she's sulking... so cute!#lumiparty"
🎊End of Day 10🎊10日目終了🎊
🎊Day 11🎊11日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 11 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Raoul
B. [Tarot] X. Wheel of Fortune
C. Cooking✨パーティーの11日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. ラウル
B. X. 運命の輪 (タロット)
C. 調理
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 11🎊11日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Raoul to life!
ラウルに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: Brandon Potter🔉100% R: #木村昴#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 11: Raoul
“He’s like Indiana Jones but made 100% more relatable!” Is how I described him to my siblings. His episodes were always fun and made me smile. It was nice to see him look after everyone in his party, even if they always gave him grief!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 11: when there's party, there's food!
I think Ana-Maria just made something for everyone... And it's emitting some sort of evil aura...
Uh... anyone want to try it...?
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is old mans Raoul day, so here the original renders from his ep1 and ep2. 💥I wanted to see more of him, especially his true age...he deserves so much better then to be bullied by a bunch of kids...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Raouls day, so here have rainbow old man and his badges.(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our self-described archoelogist.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Todays prompt is also cooking so I want to use the chance to share the meal badges.Starting with Leos ramen (a reference to shayor?), Celias cake, Hugos stew with the cute carrots and Lisettes ..was it potatoes?Luciens cake, Vanessas...was it porridge?, Maximes truffel-meat and Yelsys cheese fondueMichelles...whatever it was, Augusts applecake, Bastiens ricecakes and Laplaces Strawberry milk.Laplace, im with you! Strawberry milk is best!Alexandras chicken, Gaspys sandwich, Amelies egg stuff (sister knows whats good!) and Falks meat over meat dish.Eds heartwarming stew (he needs it), Anas Takoyaki, Raouls..whatever, and Lydies colorful sweetsAnd last but not least...whatever tf Charles stomach has to endure...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 11, Raul.Raul's favorite scene was the big ball trap in episode 1, I couldn't avoid it both times 🤣.The scene of waiting for shopping, just standing there silently, was also a bit funny.#lumiparty
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"The kind and funny brother, the burning in the opening and who is that letter really addressed to?
I wanted to know more about Raul, who is a mystery in many ways."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Raoul vs Raoul is he was realistic and actually looked like a dude who's been spelunking ruins for years.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"I have no context.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 11 - RaoulI love this self-described archaeologist. Exploring the ruins was so much fun. I totally like Raouls fighting style (before and after the change). Best scene: Running away from the rock 😂#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"I love the group interactions between the adventurers. But sometimes the jokes against Raoul are a bit to much. I really want to know why he makes this face at the end. And I have to say: RAOUL IS NOT OLD!!!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"This is my beloved Raoul. He's my third strongest character. I really miss playing with him and to protect all my guildies 😭#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @kotosnoozy"i haven't got anything new for raoul day unfortunately but I need you all to know that I love him so much what an absolute scrunkly!!!!#lumiparty2022we were only just getting to the start of his intricacies by EoS but he was already so fascinating!! the traits in common he started to show with raven + alvin - misdirecting questions about himself, reluctant dad, reading everyone really well - were so exciting!! #lumiparty2022i have a lot of headcanons for him and i could ramble on and on but I'll spare you and instead just bump the raoul's I've previously drawn in the tweets after this ✨"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @kotosnoozy"that time his cowboy alt sent me insane 👀#lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"raoul makes me feel insane 😳🤪
#ルミナリア #luminaria"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @kotosnoozy"and my favourite EXTREMELY niche polycule that i drew for his birthday 🤪✨#lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"i want to take you home
take off your blindfold and show you what i am
i want to take you home
blackout your windows and hold you 'til we die
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"HE'S ONLY 31!!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"thanks charles#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Hmmmm. Seems familiar.#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://youtu.be/R7Xvk8Q0Nk8"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"This right here, made me SO interested in Raoul, what is he hiding? Is he gonna betray the group or is it something not that serious? I'll always wanna know, I hope we get to see someday.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
Happy Old Man day, everyone!
God, Raoul is so fascinating! Both hilarious and mysterious and I wish we'd gotten more info about him. Poor man had to put up with so much bullshit in and outside of his two episodes but I wanna know MOREIt's always been fascinating to me how he doesn't have a last name, or at least it never got stated in the game? It makes sense for Laplace, Charles and Falk but, Raoul? There had to be a reason he never disclosed his last name, it he has one to begin withHe's just so mysterious in general and I wish I could just take a glimpse into his mind to discover his true intentions. That being said, he does seem to care about the rest of the adventures to some extent at leastI miss his interactions with them, not gonna lie. His banter with Ana-Maria and Charles was hilarious 'A'"
Original Post's Caption:
"Speedwell: "Travel", "protection", "kindness"
It's our local old man! Raoul!
The meaning of speedwell speaks for itself, it was a good fit for an archeologist who travels around to explore ruins, but also, him agreeing to join the kids proves how kind he is #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"The funny moments in Raoul's episodes or scenes involving him are usually him being bullied.
Or struck with mental attacks. It's super effective though!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @donadogg"特製栄養保存食β、ラウルの好きな物になってるってことは美味しいの…?🤔#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022※UVレジンで作ってみました。"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 11: Raoul invites you to check out a new ruin he discovered.Next up, we have the experienced Archeologist who is totally not past his prime yet; Raoul~I am starting off neutral on his design then warmed up to him during his stories. The ruin exploration segment in his ep1 is interesting for sure as you also need to use the game and Raoul's mechanic to bypass it. Then comes his interaction with Ana and Charles duo-Which might be for the better since he could talk some common sense into them, despite how they always shuts him down.Despite how the party treats him, he is experienced and sharp. When it comes to ruins, he is the expert. I am curious as to why he become archeologist-Or whenever he has another identity. Raoul's identity is a mystery on itself because he has no recorded past in traveler's record, able to use the power of embleo, and also what the letter he send in his ep2 is for.I only ever have experience with Raoul's old playstyle so I'm ot sure how his new one plays. But i think the spear spin is cool and i feel his attack has more weight to it than other spear users."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"Beer with Raoul#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Jco_Sham"My contribution to Raoul dayI'm sorry old man, that burn hurt everyone else too, high AOE power 🔥#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"A Raoul piece I made for @ar4phie#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ar4phie"resharing these because it's the perfect day to shower raoul with love on#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Original Post's Caption:
*"I may not be an active yume anymore, but I still love raoul with all my heart **credits in order: *
*1: @/misokatsuhaumai *
*2: @/ThaissingArts *
*3: @/Sardinecal *
4: @/cerimorti"
🎊End of Day 11🎊11日目終了🎊
🎊Day 12🎊12日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 12 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Charles
B. [Tarot] XI. Justice
C. Puppets✨パーティーの12日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. シャルル
B. XI. 正義 (タロット)
C. パペット
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 12🎊12日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Charles to life!
シャルルに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @BKarbowski🔉100% R: #富田美憂#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 12: It's Charles and... Charles...?
His background story is the one that I want to see the most. Like, why are there two Charles in the beginning? And who or what is he anyway?
We might never know...
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriiza"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 12, Charles.Charles' episode was the most surprising. The sudden different space and the dialogue with Aglaia-sama.
And the words that Aglaia-sama said to Charles are also very deep and interesting.#lumiparty
"I wanted to know more about Charles because there is so much I don't know about who he is and what he was created for.
And Charles' first priority at this point is Anamaria, but I'd love to see him grow to care for his friends as the episodes go on."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 12: Charles
Our resident master of sass! I laughed more than I probably should have at him giving everyone around him but his lady a hard time! His devotion to Ana-Maria was always very cute, I loved how supportive he was of her!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Lydies day, so here the original render from her also only episode. 🍭#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Charles day, so here have rainbow Charlina and the badges.(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of the protector of his Lady.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"As much as I disliked Charles for just being genuinely rude to people like Ed for no reason, I was hoping he got the Luke treatment. His episode definitely had one of the best tracks in the game.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xxb-x75JDg&t=8635s#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリアI remember Charles, Ana, and Ed were together in the Primordial Beasts area, Ed was being cautious and was just making observations on where they were at.Charles was like "Get off your high horse" in such disgust, and I'm like "What? How do you even respond negatively to that?""
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"I want to use Charles day to share the textures from the primorial beasts from the original environment assets.Starting with Aglaya, who protects Aedis with his mighty claw from any threat by holding it infront.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"Next up is Tarulhan, glowing and resting in the wide marschlands of Amr Quaghan."
"Next up is Sankara, probably the only fish you find in the dessert."
"Next up is Watamusubi, watching over the far away land of Habakiri."
"Next up Lazui, caught and chained in the middle of Highgarden..."
"And here Origin, watchin over the whole Federation from Archonis..."
"Gemsley and Bozak dont exist, sadly, but what I have for you is the painting of Shayor from Bastiens room"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 12 - CharlesHe's mostly funny, but sometimes I could throw a stone at him (when he's mean to my beloved Raoul)! The story of his episode is really good & interesting. But this dungeon is crazy shit 😂#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeoKey"Oh wooden boy, what do you want?#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminariaCharles: for you to stop asking me stupid questions!Raoul: you're not making my job easier, kid!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"It's Charles!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"here's a doodle I was making for #lumiparty2022's idol poll and i will never get past this point lol"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
It's Charles' time to shine ~
Oh Charles, my beloved. My favorite lord of sass and dissing old men. Words cannot express how hilarious this kid is and how much fun he was, even if he did cross some lines every once in a whileHis overprotectiveness and obsessiveness of Ana-Maria can also become a tiny bit annoying at time but from the direction his first episode took, I'm assuming he was supposed to sort of become more independent and more.. himself, if that makes sense.Not just a vessel to live for Ana-Maria and make her every wish come true, but a person to live their own life, on their own terms.
Speaking of, his episode has to be my favorite of the entire game. Not only was the change of scenery surprising and interesting.... The adventurers interactions with Aglaya was also fascinating. And the fact that you as the player had to choose which answers to pick AS Charles was super interesting. I was really hoping to explore more primordial beasts in future adventurers episodes but.. yeeeaaahAnyways, Charles will definitely be one of my all time favorite characters, his dynamic added so much to the group and I can't help but wonder about the person he was meant to develop into.Also, Charles is non-binary, you can't change my mind"
Original Post's Caption:
"Heliotrope: "Devotion"
A fitting motif flower for Charles who devoted his entire life to protecting his princess, Ana-Maria. I do wish we would've gotten to see his journey of discovering his own self worth though
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Charles' loyalty to his lady is admirable; he wants Ana-Maria's wishes to come true even if it results in something pretty hilarious like this.
Though... how old IS Charles anyway?
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 12: Charles got himself the tastiest meal; Ana-Maria's cooking!Next up we have the loyal attendant to the princess; Charles~P.s: im feeling down because yet 1 of my game shut down so next upload might come late at times.I think his outfit is cute and I love sassy characters but unfortunately, Charles pair his sassiness with 1 trait im not so fond of in a character; Overwhelming devotion for 1 person/thing. Or basically someone who preach and spend majority of their screentime talking abt 1 ppl.His ep1 is a pleasant and welcome surprise tho. It serves as the episode where the adventurer gathers, give us some information about the primals and mostly give Charles a mystery and also room for growth as he could chose where to go for himself.I wish to know more about who he actually is.Ana-Maria aside, he doesn't sugarcoat his words. He seems to have some tolerance for Ed and Lydie, at least. I kinda wish that he treat Raoul better because he doesn't do anything to deserve it most of the times.Regardless if he is an AI ally or you control him directly, Charles' lasers are a deadly tool indeed. I often spend them all by accident but its not bad. Its nice to see a staff user that require no swappings!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"CW // glitch effect, flashing colors, epilepsy, photo sensitivityCharles…#lumiparty2022 #lumipartyPlease let me know if I didn't mark anything right, I'll happily
take it down and redo it!Charles is one of my favorites, devoted characters are
always the best! His dynamic with Ana-Maria is absolutely
hilarious, we all need a hypeman like non-binary king
Charles.His lines are so insanely out of pocket, he'd fit right into the Crestoria party 🤣🤣 I paused the game so many times because of his absurdity, he had me rolling in the adventurer episodes.His story is one of, if not the most, intriguing. The way he has been set up and all the foreshadowing given is incredible, I have no doubt he would've grown spectacularly as a character."
🎊End of Day 12🎊12日目終了🎊
🎊Day 13🎊13日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 13 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Ana-Maria Marschner
B. [Tarot] XII. The Hanged Man
C. Lost✨パーティーの13日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. アナマリア・マルシュナ
B. XII. 吊された男 (タロット)
C. 迷子になる
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 13🎊13日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Ana-Maria Marschner to life!
アナマリア・マルシュナーに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @18moptop🔉100% R: #伊藤美来#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @JCo_Sham"Today at #lumiparty #lumiparty2022 is Ana-Maria day... there is lots to say, some would even think she could be the real, true main character of the game!Just for fun, all of her episodes were recorded in wide-screen mode. Looks goofy in the intro though."
Quote Retweeted by | 投稿者名: @JCo_Sham"Today is Ana-Maria day. I commissioned this in March #LumiParty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post by @po_pooch:"Skeb依頼のイラスト完了しました。 ご依頼ありがとうございます。
http://skeb.jp/@po_pooch#Skeb #Commission @skeb_jp"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @JCo_Sham"And more for Ana-Maria day during lumi party!
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
I got FIRST rank global server on ALL her fav-fests. And on the free for all fav fest it was still good enough for toto ears reward."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria Reminiscences, Day 13, Ana MariaAnnamaria cheerfully and very much enjoyed the adventure, even in different situations, traps, and when enemies attacked her.
I would have liked to experience more of those stories with you.
"A hand held to keep from hitting his head.Ed, "...are you all right?"It's not okay!
Ana Maria, give up that spot! Many of you must have thought 😍... 🤣"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 13: Ana-Maria
She was a stellar foil to Ed. She possessed the bright optimism Ed lost. I would’ve loved to have seen her help him open up.
She, herself, was an amazing character independently, as well! Ever the star of the show! I loved her dearly!"

Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"Happy bluebird day!!! Fly free our beloved red riding hood princess ❤️
#LumiParty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Ana-Maria chocolate alt!!!!!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 13: A nap after training.
Today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today. To catch up with the two powerhouses she grew up with, she needs to keep training hard.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @k_tar0ta"The Promise That Binds Us】
Day 13(10/26): Ana-Maria Marschner
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
【小指に光る いつかの約束】#ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"So for Anas day I wanted to share...this.Its part of the dish UI files. I have never seen it ingame but it looks like something Ana made?It looks like paintbrush water but i want to try it regardless!
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Ana-Marias day, so here her episode 1 and 2 original artwork renders.She started in the cage called Imperial Castle and got far enough to see the greenery of Ludirome and Aglaya.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Ana-Marias day, so here have Rainbow Ana and her badges.(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of Charles´ heroic Lady.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Ana Maria a young naive girl learning about the world, I wanna see how you change on your journey, and I mainly wanna see you meet Alexandra again. I wanna know if you two remember each other, I think it'd be interesting.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @JCo_Sham"#lumiparty2022
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
Some more screenshots for Ana-Day!She loves food, and, of course, therefore is also a brilliant cook. As a true connisseur no dish is a challenge, but her personal favorite are asian dishes like Takoyaki🐙or Mabo Curry."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @JCo_Sham"Some more Ana-Maria Screenshots"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @JCo_Sham"#lumiparty2022
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
As established before, Ana-Maria is a brilliant cook. Especially Charles appreciates her cunning culinary expertise."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"'Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let down your hair!'#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
"'What is it like... out there where they glow? Now that i'm older, father might just let me go...'"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 13 - Ana-Maria MarschnerShe is absolutely great together with Charles. I laughed so many times. Her cooking is awesome 😂 I'm not so good with her fighting style, but I really enjoy it 😁#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Ana-Maria's episode 2 is great! The talks at the market are so good 😂 I like the chatters between Ed, Raoul and her. The destroying boulder scene is cool. And I love Ana-Maria's valentine outfit 😍#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"It's Ana-Maria!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NateNarcieq"Ana-Maria was such a good character. All lumi characters have amazing design and personality but Yelsy and Ana-Maria have been my absolute favourites.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesOfLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NateNarcieq"I loved her design so much that even though I had her two costumes I still used the basic one x3peak character design in all dimensions. And as mentioned the second version of the opening I've saved.Gracious Cosmos, this opening still slaps <3"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumipartyAna-Maria day!! Heck yeah!!
Ana-Maria is a super nice twist on the "girl has lived a sheltered life her entire life and is completely oblivious of the outside world" trope and once again Bamco did a great job at subverting expectationsBecause despite being protected her entire life, Ana-Maria isn't weak, nor is she scared. If anything she seems to take everything life throws at her head on and masters it gracefully. She is still pretty much oblivious about.. pretty much everything, but she's eager to learnI'd love to know which direction her character would've taken but she adds such a nice dynamic to the adventures, I love how she's curious and playful and easily gets everyone caught up in her enthusiasm
She's just all in all a very lovable characterNot to mention that I absolutely love her color scheme! I think the red of her coat and light blue of her hair and eyes go together so well! She's peak character design!"
Original Post's Caption:
"Calla lily: "Purity" and "new beginnings"
I couldn't possibly think of a better fitting motif flower for the sheltered princess who was forced out of her home -and turned it into her own personal adventure! #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"Also adding the little chibi I made for the countdown, hehe~"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"I think a certain #1 Ana-Maria fan posted this one already, but really, this 'cooking' scene is hilarious!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"Surfer Falk#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 Day 13: Ana-Maria can't wait to tell the tales of her heroic adventure to you!Last but not least of the adventurer is the brave princess; Ana-Maria~I really adore her design. With how it is red and had a cape i think it is fitting for her who wish to be a hero who enforce justice, just like what she read in the books. As shown is Aglaya though, she is still naive and doesn't fully understand her own justice.Ed also points out that adventuring is not all grand as she expect. But when facing this, Ana-Maria still stay strong and accept things head on. Thankfully, she is also in good company that willingly help her adjust to the outside world.Her enthusiasm for something new and cheerfullness is a huge morale boost for the adventurers that's for sure! She makes every scene she is in so colorful~There is some things i was wondering about, though...Even though he rarely visit, i wonder how the emperor feel about her. Is he care of her as a daughter or as a heir?Secondly, she says to cut ties with the empire but can she truly? What if one day she need to face August?Her Iai technique is unique and powerful... so strong to the point where it could cut a huge boulder. But i have difficulty controlling her stance at times esp when the atk and movement button sill combined."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Before we are moving to the empire tomorow, i wish to talk more of why i love my favorite faction in the game; adventurer.It's the only faction with Ed- //HIT// okay. Jk. The characters are all great! Each brings a different feel to the whole group. They give off a good comrade vibe, if not a found family.Their party also small in size so its easier to to get to know them + distribute screentime.They have interesting story that is also mysterious. It also ties to the other factions and the world itself nicely.Rather than focusing the war, they tackle the mystery of the world itself and i cant wait to uncover them.Not only that, they each sorted into one chronicles (travel log) instead of individual pages. Which make the pacing more clear without hopping here and there.Overall, i would love to see how their journey go until the end!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @yud_firman"na-Maria was the most cheerfull ojou-sama, her sword slash everything obstruct her path, i wanted to see more of her adventure#lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria"
🎊End of Day 13🎊13日目終了🎊
🎊Day 14🎊14日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 14 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. August Wallenstein
B. [Tarot] XIII. Death
C. Candy✨パーティーの14日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. アウグスト・ヴァレンシュタイン
B. XIII. 死神 (タロット)
C. キャンディ
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 14🎊14日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought August Wallenstein to life!
アウグスト・ヴァレンシュタインに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @JMichaelTatum🔉100% R: #梅原裕一郎#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 14: August
He was a fascinating character. A kind-hearted man turned cold by the horrors that come with war. I was left wondering just how far he’d lose himself by the end of his narrative. Who knows? Perhaps one day I might."

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Augusts day, so here the original rendes from his two amazing episodes.Ep 1 was absolutely satisfying (cough Clays death cough) and ep 2 had as all sobbing fr#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Augusts day, so here have the rainbow Chancellor and his badges. 🍎(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our apple loving Chancellor.🍎(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"So for Augusts day, here a recording of the Ride-an-annoyed-duck secret mission! 🥩🦆#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria Reminiscences Day 14 AugustoAugusto is my #1 favorite character. He was always with me in multitudes. I have so many memories, images and things to talk about.
In the meantime, I will share the Patara video, which we all had a hard time with.
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"And I wanted to get Augusto to level 50...I wanted to continue to see Augusto's story through to the end. Even if he is evil in the eyes of others..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"It's hemkin 7am and yes I did stay up all night in agony typing tgis on my phone (also agonizing) to finish this thing for #lumiparty2022 ok bye#TalesofLuminaria"
"I did a shitty job advertising this lil fic of mine lolIt's a story about August and Lucien. Definitely nothing sad here hahahaAlso! Maxime is there.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 14: Everyone's favorite mascot enjoying some candy!
Halloween is getting closer and while everyone is busy picking Halloween costumes, Toto decides to have an early one by nibbling a lollipop.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"August is definitely an interesting character, two things I was wondering about him. How would he act seeing Lucien again? Would he end up having to fight Alexandra by going too far and causing her to stand against him?#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallenstein august wallens#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"makin myself laugh at 2am"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"i thought of it and rushed to do it off to sleep now bye#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels (but not really for this one)"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"And Falk was never heard from again...#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://youtu.be/FaOSCASqLsE"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"今日はlumipartyの方でアウグストで最推しを語るって難しいなとw
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"Another LumiParty Crazy Food Preference Fact: If I remember correctly, August dislikes all dishes that feature meat. This face, is the face of a vegetarian:"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 14 - August WallensteinThe chancellor is here! He's such an interesting character. I love the interactions between him and Alexandra. I really wanted to see how he go more crazy... VENGEANCE!!!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"I love child Lucien... And I also like Lucina and Bertina... August's second episode is really to much for me, so emotional, so tragic. I don't have any more words. I just cry 😭😭😭#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumipartyIt's August day so I get to share another one of my favorite drawings ~
Oh August, my beloved, you deserved a happy ending more than anyone else.. God, this poor man has been through so much, no wonder he grew bitter over the timeI really wanted to draw him with a soft expression here because, as we saw in his second episode, there was so much gentleness in him before the tragedy.. He was such a kind, loving man, and everything he loved was taken away from him in an instant. It's absolutely heartbreakingSo it's no surprise he swore to take revenge.. no matter how drastic the means. I'm so curious about how his part of the story would've ended and I really hope he would've found peacefulness in the end. God, just give this man a break already ;-;That being said, Bamco definitely tried to portray him as the villain, but I feel like he's probably one of the characters people have the most sympathy for. He's gotta be one of my all time favorite Tales of characters for sure"
Original Post's Caption:
"Apple blossoms: "Continuing to live, even after enduring death"
It had to be apple trees for the former apple farmer and now chancellor of the Empire, but when i found out about their meaning I almost teared up. A perfect fit for August #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"The moment that's literally the final happy moment together in a very emotional rollercoaster episode...
And in the AU where the tragedy never happened, I can see August being picky about his son-in-law (even Lucien will probably still be judged)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"@FroglordMcDuke there you go, August with Dracula's fashial hair, and damn! (One day late but still fresh!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesorluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 14: August Wallenstein Offers you a glass of apple juice.I am late but now we are moving to the Empire starting with our chancellor turned emperor; August.The trailer and the chronologies of most characters paint him in the color of a main villain but i didn't expect that his origin story would be somehing as relaxing as a loving husband in a family that owns an apple orchard. It's a pleasant surprise.His ep1 might be one of the most satisfying ones due to Clay being gone. Whats amazing is that its a twist from the usual vengeance plot where the character would at times show mercy or someone would tell them that once they went through it, the won't be the same.Indeed, he ain't the same person because if you seen his ep2, you get a glimpse of a caring man that loves his family dearly. It's no wonder he was broken when they are gone. Other surprise is that his appearance and power was granted by Laplace.That do make me wonder if there is a side effect from using the power other than appearance. But even then, i think he wouldnt mind.The event skits gives more glimpse of his more "casual" side and there, he feels like a mentor/senior figure of the gang.His staff attacks looks powerful and give the impression of high grade magic. Aside from the charged one, i think his staff playstyle looks neat!"
🎊End of Day 14🎊14日目終了🎊
🎊Day 15🎊15日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 15 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Gaspard Herbet
B. [Tarot] XIV. Temperance
C. Lightning✨パーティーの15日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. ガスパル・エルベ
B. XV. 悪魔 (タロット)
C. 雷
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 15🎊15日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Gaspard Herbet to life!
ガスパル・エルベに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @DamanMills🔉100% R: #濱野大輝#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"For Gaspard day, I just found out Gaspard has an embleo. 👀#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 15: Gaspard
His character was incredibly charismatic, and I found myself adoring him right away! His spy-themed episodes would’ve been so fun to play! Not only that, but what little we got of his backstory seemed really interesting! I need him back!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 15, Gaspar.
I am very sorry to see only federal work.
What in the world is the relationship and causation between these three people? There are so many things we don't know... 🥲.
"I liked Gaspard's cool gun shooting gestures, skill motions, etc.
In multiplayer, I was helped a lot by the shadow stitch restraint.
The timing of shooting the technique was exquisite and everyone who was controlling Gaspar was a pro at it."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Its Gaspards day today,so heres a closer look on his thorn shaped Embleo. Quite fitting! 🥀#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Please take a second and look at Gaspards absolutely fabulous model walk! He is ready for the catwalk✨#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Gaspard episode 1 was a bit of a...high fly#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Cups? Who needs cups? Definitely not the Gildllan Empire! 🥃#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"We basically had the answers right there! Gaspy, share the documents!I really adore his relationship to Leo, theres obviously a friendship to come, he pitys him for Le Sant but also likes his spirit.A true goofy duo!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Friendly reminder that Gaspards usual outfits has two versions- one with and one without an reactor.I think by now, we only saw the version without the reactor...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 15: Gaspard in his cooler pose!
I didn't have his episode 2 outfit, but I do like the hairstyle that comes with the costume!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"Day 15 - Gaspard
I remember using Gaspard stamps when I 100% missed the timing for Mystic Artes and danced around the floor with no hits.. or got revived on this godly timing and apologized with a fellow Gaspard..!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Multi Highlights //
土下座 with ガスパル🤣
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"it's one of my fav screenshots! I died trying to revive him on Nightmare Haleu's fire tornados(?) and our teammate revived us at the same time(we were both in the middle of rising up) Gaspard's stamps are so funny and it would've been so fun if we could use their lv50 stamps too!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Gaspards day so here the original render of his ep 1.I wanted to see so much more of him..hes a goof with a dark childhood and a good heart. 🔮
I want to see more of him an Leo, they are a lovely chaos duo.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Gaspard should ne allowed to scream.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesorluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is goofy Gaspys day, so here rainbow Gaspard and his badges.I really like him(All fils from the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our favorite bread-loving spy.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 15: Gaspard Herbert here to offer you some intel...Next up, we have the double agent; Gaspard!Seeing him in Leo's ep immediately made me realize how shady he is. He is a resourceful spy that has intel on all sides, even the adventurer. It made me wonder where does his loyalty lies. He is listed as GE but worked mainly for JF. Which made me think...That something might be happening after his ep1 ED, where he basically "thrown away" into the fort without regard of his own safety. Or perhaps it is something else...?Altho i also consider the possibility of him not picking either side and had his own agenda.With both being an adult with big mystery, I feel like he might get along well with Raoul and indeed he is. The White Day skit shows that they are peas in a pod.Sepaking of, ofc we cant talk about gaspard without mentioning the glorious Breadist.With her recipes and breas puns, she easily become the highlights of the episode. Her recipes do look tasty too. (Like every other food in this game. Why recent Tales have good food images?!) maybe i will try them someday.While his playstyle is not my cup of tea, his shadow mechanic and animation looks so stylish! But also, if they ever ask us to go stealthy again, i hope they consider increasing the mov speed tho. That would also be cool."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"Gaspard day! Don't really have much to add since I wasn't doing the prompts. 😂But I'll say a bit and find something to post.I really did like the whole cast, but Gaspard was my favourite, no contest.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022From the pre-launch character trailers he looked interesting to me. And then seeing him a but in Leo's Episode 1, was both cool and funny.As soon as they added the lvl up camp which let us start levelling the characters whose episodes hadn't released yet, I started with him. Just instantly fell in love with his playstyle. Just clicked, knew I wanted to main him.And the more I saw him in other episodes and when he finally got his episode 1 too, I just wanted to learn even more. His background is so interesting the way he has ties to every faction in the game, with so many characters.Wish I could have seen where things would go for him. Would he stop playing all sides and really align himself with 1 of them?And his boss in the shade corps "Past". He had late game boss written all over him. Both Gaspard and Lisette had a history with him. Really wanted to see them (and thus the player too 😁) get some answers from him!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Valharke"All my Gaspard nightmare boss solos. He wasn't the highest damage character, so some of these were a hurdle when they first ran. By the final raid, I managed to beat them all though. 😎🍞 (hope the link works 😅)https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN2zc1-1pEV5IPJij1pB48muWT2HFOZGU#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"And Leo was never heard from again...
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://youtu.be/CmU12zfR73E"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"And yet again im late on my Gaspard drawing 🔮
Im sorry for the delay 🥲In the meanwhile, take a look at the scene where Gaspy crushed Leos self-esteem even more...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"Kinda sad with myself for not having anything for Gaspard day when I have nothing but the best memories with him. Awesome character and @Valharke
was the best Gaspard main ever.Still have this ss of one of the rarest achievements we ever made. 😎#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 15 - Gaspard HerbetHe's the coolest spy (+breadist) ever! I like his sneak skill & his chara type. You don't know on which side he really is and that's great. I think he would save this rotten world.#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Gaspard and Lisette would be the equivalent of Sonic and Shadow respectively in a Sonic AU and you can't change my mind#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"say hello to your new t-posing sleep paralysis demonsone day i'll figure out how to fix the alpha channels. Yelsy Ep.2 was edited in post, but I couldn't do the same for Lydie Ep.1 or Ana-Maria Ep.2#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Inokinako_"パチーン!☆
ガスパル かっこよすぎる〜!😍his animations & playstyle's so cool! I couldn't get the image of him snapping his fingers out of my head, so I HAD to draw it! I love the sound effect too, snap✨#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#ルミナリア #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Being a spy like him means he'll need to play certain roles, like being homeless and unemployed. Kinda makes me wonder if he's actually given any budget money every time he gets assigned to a mission...
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Gaspard, someone who was very interesting, with all his spying and working undercover with different people, this guy has all kinds of secrets and I hope to see them all someday.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"Small army of 7 while technically the invite is over you can totally still join! I'm happy with how it sounds 😁#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #toluminaria"

Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
Gaspard day!!
God, what a fascinating man. I'd love to know what his relationship to both the Empire and the Federation was and where his TRUE loyalty lies. Probably only with himself, considering how distrusting he isAs mysterious as he is, he's also sort of tragic.. He does give off the vibes of a man who was forced onto the path he's on now, even though he doesn't want it deep down. He barely gets the chance to bond with people before he has to move on to his next missionI'd love to discover his true intentions one day.
But until that day, I'll just reminisce about how much fun his episode was, the stealth segment was one of my favorites of the entire game, and I say that as someone who hates stealth segments in games!He's just another super mystery character who we unfortunately didn't get to know too much about but that just makes me even more fascinating in him~"
Original Post's Caption:
"Lavender: "Distrust" and "devotion"
As untrustworthy as he is, he's just as distrustful of others, but he's devoted to his cause, this much can't be denied. Unfortunately we never really get to know much about Gaspard but he's HIGHLY interesting! #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"Only thing I have for Gaspard day is the Gaspard I made for the countdown.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @donadogg"最推しにハロウィンなサンドイッチを添えて!
好きすぎて描くたびに顔が変わる事に納得がいかないのが悩みです🤣#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"lumiparty日本語版、アウグストとガスパル宰相就任前から知り合いの2人、アウグストはガスパルにどんなお仕事を頼んだのか…関係性含めて短いながら気になるやりとりに本当に過去編みたかったなーと😭
🎊End of Day 15🎊15日目終了🎊
🎊Day 16🎊16日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 16 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Laplace
B. [Tarot] XV. The Devil
C. Bubbles✨パーティーの16日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. ラプラス
B. XV. 悪魔 (タロット)
C. 泡立ち
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 16🎊16日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Laplace to life!
ラプラスに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @Rialisms🔉100% R: #庄司宇芽香#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ForglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 16: Laplace
She was an absolutely fantastic character who stole the show in every scene she was in! The frequent mentions of her past left me wondering just what must have happened to make her into who she is now. Losing her was a tragedy!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ForglordMcDuke"Also, in the spirit of Laplace Day here at LumiParty I’m wholeheartedly willing to admit that I’m 10000000% a total Laplace simp. Look at her! Can you blame me?!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"🦇Happy Halloween!🎃
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#luminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Laplaces day, so here the original render from her very interesting episode one with an hilarious beginning and a deep ending, accompanied by Bastiens awkwardness.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the witches day, so here rainbow Laplace and her Badges. 💘(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Take a moment to enjoy the calming river just as Laplace and her companions did in the middle of a battlefield.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @k_tar0ta"【The Resolve That Binds Us】
Day 16(10/29): Laplace
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022【秘めた決意に縛られて】#ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 16: When a simple golf time goes wrong.
Bastien just literally hit the ball like an enemy. Laplace is his caddie just to see him in action playing golf, but she doesn't expect him to bend a stick with a single 'swing'.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our georgous (who knows how old) red wolf.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @nega_wa"寄稿作品で恐縮ですがお祭りを盛り上げる一助になれればと……。フルサイズはその後アンソロジーにてI would like to join the party but I didn't have time to paint a new art. This isn't a new creation.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 16, Laplace.
Laplace goes to different places with the fort, Onokoro and Lusanto, trying to do things independently.
I wanted to know more about what purpose they were working for.
"I especially liked the relationship between Laplace and Bastian. Bastian is straight about everything and I thought it was so kawaii to see Laplace in trouble with his words. I really wanted to see how they met and the episodes that followed 😭"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 16 - LaplaceShe's beautiful and mysterious. So many secrets behind Laplace... I want to know them all! I love her interactions with Bastien. So hilarious 😂 Laplace should curse Bamco for canceling 😤#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey""I don't know... those clothes you picked aren't exactly what you would call my "style". They're very impractical.""Oh, don't be like that! A beautiful girl like you has to take advantage of her assets to impress the boy of her dreams~"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Everyone's favourite demon witch, Laplace!!
Remember when I thought I was going to hate her because of her not-so-good character trailer hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"this is one of my favourites#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"who would have guessed#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://bit.ly/3vsJI8B"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"i just realized i forgot to give the pilot an icon cuz i couldn't decide who it'd be oops#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"ana-maria goes flying#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://bit.ly/3PVxqhb / https://bit.ly/3oQuk1S"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"one laplace 2 laplace red laplace blue laplace#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"a deal with the devil#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Laplace my fellow witch! We didn't know TOO much about you, just that you might be involved in some things and that you're apparently "evil" but that's okay, I'm an evil witch too! 😁#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"This interaction is absolute gold! The main reason for me to like her is the banters involving her that aren't serious ended up being hilarious.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumipartyI WAS WAITING FOR LAPLACE DAY BECAUSE CAN FINALLY SHARE MY FAVORITE FLOWER DRAWING
Hydrangeas for the witch! And god do I love Laplace, she was one of my favorite characters from the beginning and my love for her only grewDespite only having one episode, I feel like she had enough cameos in other episodes to give you a good picture of what she's like, but none of them came close to her own episode, which showed us a more personal and vulnerable side of herI think Bastien's right when he says that Laplace is the kindest person he knows. She might hide it behind hundreds of layers of sass but think ultimately she does care. It makes you think about how many tragedies she's had to live throughAnd at this point she probably just Wants these tragedies to come to an end, one way or another. She's another character who I think desperately deserves a happy ending. and I hope Team Lumi had one in store for her!"
Original Post's Caption:
"Hydrangea: "Arrogance", "heartlessness"; "elegance", "heartfelt gratitude"
A flower with different meanings, fitting for the Red Wolf. Laplace has many faces and unfortunately we never got to see the real one, but I do believe she's a deeply caring character #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"Also, here's the little chibi I made for the countdown hehe ~"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 Day 16 : Laplace wish to tell you something entertaining.Moving into the Empire's Alphas, starting with the mischievous Red Wolf; Laplace~She is one of those who didn't catch my attention at first but quickly taking my attention after seeing her in action. In every scene she is in, she quickly taking the spotlight. Probably because compared to her colleagues, she is more on the playful side.She is also more casual in the event skit too, being that one friend type who loves to tease you.However, she is also someone with different sides. She could be dangerous, and at times, showing a caring side in her own way.Seeing her and Alex bickering made it feel like they are some sort of angel and devil (in August's shoulder. lol.). I enjoy her interaction with Bastien is also interesting. I love how Bastien frequently made her loss for words since its rare for her to be like that.I was surprised that her partnership with August already begins since a long while. It makes me wonder even more about Laplace's identity and the reason she lend her power to him.She is the 2nd favorite bow to use since her hold atk is multiple, homming arrows. Sort of fitting for her if you think of it because it gives off the vibe that it's used to torment/bring lots of pain... and the color, too."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"【lumiparty アウグストとラプラス】
🎊End of Day 16🎊16日目終了🎊
🎊Day 17🎊17日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 17 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Alexandra von Sonne
B. [Tarot] XVI. The Tower
C. Butterfly✨パーティーの17日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA.アレクサンドラ・フォン・ゾンネ
B. XVI. 塔 (タロット)
C. ちょうちょ
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 17🎊17日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Alexandra von Sonne to life!
アレクサンドラ・フォン・ゾンネに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @caitlinsvoice🔉100% R: #大西沙織#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ForglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 17: Alexandra
Another stellar foil, this time for August. She’s a beacon of morality in a cold and cruel war. Her sense of Justice was sure to be tested over the course of the story. I await a chance of a continuation of her story with bated breath."

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 17: Alex is doing some kendo training
Physical training in kendo can be very energy consuming (from personal experience), so I can imagine her sucking all the food she sees after training.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria Reminiscences, Day 17, Alexandra
Alexandra's appetizer and what she ordered was a special, drinks by the keg, 5 piles of meat, where does that food go... I really thought her stomach was space 🤣
"We laughed at the awkward mutual silence. I loved Augusto's line that he said afterwards...
I guess my interpretation is that I like Alexandra, who remains the same as always, no matter the circumstances..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Throwback to the scene where Alexandra roasted the Chancellor in the first minutes of the episode.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Enjoy some young Alexandra in the calming yet epic OST of the imperial barracks.#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Alexandras day, so here rainbow Alexa and her badges. ☀️(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our white wolf. ☀️🐺(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"'Hey Gaspard, tell us about yourself!"'#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"For Alexandra's day, i gave her an actual breastplate!"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"It's Alexandra day!
Get a real chest plate, you silly pretty lady, someone's gonna stab u in the boobs..#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 17 - Alexandra von SonneI totally love her interactions with August and Laplace! She's great. I love her appetite 😂 And her sense of justice. I wanted to see how she brings August back into light...#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"I love Alexandra's 2nd episode. Especially the occurs of two very cute children 🥰 I also like the Mueller Brothers. I'm sad that they died in this stupid war. Her epi. 2 outfit and Mystic Arte are great 🤩#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Inokinako_"gaspard be sprinkling his bred🧂🍞
idk why i keep turning tales men into memes im sorryi just couldnt stop looking at his flashy pose like..dont you think he resembles the salt bae dude?? or like hes throwing a grenade with an explosion behind him💥
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Alexandra my 2nd favorite character. She was so fun to use, especially with the fire art. Here's what I accomplished with her. I still wonder how she would clash with August if he went to far, maybe she would save him?#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Taken from Alex's part in the crossroad episode.
The White Wolf and her blackhole stomach... and how her quest to search for Laplace is her excuse to look at local delicacies.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumipartyIt's Alexandra day!!
Alexandra is probably the noblest, most heroic soul in the entire Empire, always acting on what she thinks is the right thing to do and showing kindness to those who deserve itShe very much has that in common with Leo.. Although she does excel when it comes to eating huge amounts of food, which is a talent in and of itself and I adore her for it jfjdnsmdGenerally speaking, the Empire always sort of got portrayed as the "bad guys", and Alexandra always stood out because she was nothing like that. She was always kind, fair, loyal, heroic. It just shows even more that things aren't always as black and white as they seem"
Original Post's Caption:
"Edelweiss: "Devotion" and "courage"
As the White Wolf, she is devoted to the Empire, yes, but more so, Alexandra's devoted to her own ideals and her own sense of justice.
That, and good food, of course. #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 17: Should you wonder what party food you like to eat, Alexandra Von Sonne reccomend the fried chicken.Late submission again but next up, we have the White Wolf; Alexandra!She has such a cool name IMO and i know her EN voice also voiced Mathilda (FE:Echoes) so i expect so many good moments of her. Her armor (?) design sort of put me off due to my own preference but she is still my favorite thanks to her ep1.Compared to majority of the empire, Alexandra is one of the few who values honor and shows kindness toward both sides so some clashing between her with August and Laplace is definetely unavoidable.As someone who loves contrast/one of them is unlike the other, she quickly caught my attention.She also has her cute side too like her love for food and also how she handles August's contant teasing. In a way, they are like the empire counterpart of Vanessa and Lucien.//anime spoilerThere is also the part during her talk with Hugo, when he consult her about what she felt about the sacrifice (iirc), she replied with "But this is war." ...Is she truly believes in those words, i wonder.I love her speedy gameplay since the sword users is more on the slower side. It feels sarisfying to see the troop count keep getting up as she flash around the map."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"【lumiparty アウグストとアレクサンドラ】
🎊End of Day 17🎊17日目終了🎊
🎊Day 18🎊18日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 18 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Bastien Forge
B. [Tarot] XVII. The Star
C. Darkness✨パーティーの18日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. バスチアン・フォルジュ
B. XVII. 星 (タロット)
C. 闇
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊Day 18🎊18日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Bastien Forge to life!
バスチアン・フォルジュに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @JustChrisSabat🔉100% R: #竹内良太#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"👻🎃HAPPY HALLOWEEN!🎃👻Now if you excuse me I'm not gonna draw for 800 years.
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
"Leo: Samurai
Hugo: Ninja
Celia: Butterfly Witch
Michelle: Pumpkin Witch
Lisette: Pirate
Lucien: Zombie
Vanessa: Undead Witch
Maxime: Robin Hood
Yelsy: Toto/Sweets WitchEd: Demon
Lydie: Alice (in Wonderland)
Ana-Maria: Vampire
Charles: Bat
Raoul: MummyAugust: Death/Grim Reaper
Bastien: Frankenstein's Monster
Laplace: Nurse
Alexandra: Angel
Gaspard: Cat Man
Amelie: Clown
Falk: Skeleton ManThe reason the Aedis girls are all witches is cuz I thought Yelsy would get them all to do a group costume thing and I thought it would be really cute"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"August as a pokemon trainer doodle#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"An apple man August.#lumiparty ¹#lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Vampire or demon? That's for you to decide~
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria'Who's your favorite: Hugo or Falk?'"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 18: It's time for Halloween and Celia is ready for trick-or-treating in her witch outfit!
What kind of tricks does she have, I wonder...
(I'll both give her treats and take the trick from her tho)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ForglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 18: Bastien
Bastien may not have gotten a 2nd episode, but I loved what I saw. His stalwart loyalty and dedication to those he respects is admirable. And it was interesting to see a man who sacrificed his emotions for power, value honor so highly."

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Remember when Hugo deadass called Bastien stupid when he reminded him of Leo...hahaha...haha...boy, if he knew...(Makes me wonder if Bastien already recognized Leo's name as that little boy he once trained.)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesoflumiaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Bastien...you good over there?#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesoflumiaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Bastiens day, so here the original render of his ep 1.Those children were so traumatized and yet he made it even worse.But Demolian was so annoying I swear!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Bastiens day, so here rainbow Bastien and his Badges. Some color would do him good anyway...(From the original game files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our socially awkward black wolf.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリアLe Sants Scary Ghost Trio: A little story(Thanks at @NeoNeokey
for proofreading!)"
"Leo always liked watching the red and yellow leaves fall off the trees at this time of the year. Sure it was often cold and he found it a bit annoying that Adele told him to wear more layers of clothes, but playing outside was always fun.But today was different. He was still sitting at the kitchen table, looking outside the windows. Everyone was so busy, it was already late afternoon. The adults were walking through the village, doing all sorts of errands.Yet he couldnt spot Hugo or Celia. Perhaps Celia was helping her parents while Hugo was most likely studying right now...."Grandma, why is everyone so busy today?""But Leo, i tell you every year, today is a special day. You children can put on costumes and ask the others for sweets and fruits. The one with the scariest outfit gets the most."She always made it sound like a challenge, hoping to finally encourage him to participate.She always felt bad at how he often just sat inside his room alone."Why should I put on a scary costume? It will scare others!"Adele couldnt hold back a short laught. He always put others first over his own wants."Leo, why dont you go outside and look for Hugo and Celia?""Hm okay!"Adele remembered how Celias parents wanted to let her do her own costumes and Hugo seemed so interested in it, perhaps they already came up with something.After putting him in warmer clothes she basically shooed Leo outside on his own, saying she has something to doThere were enough adults outside to watch over him.
And those surely looked suprised and somewhat proud at seeing the little noble out on his own, without Adele's hand. And yet, he looked lost.He still couldn´t spot Celia and Hugo, but he couldn't stop feeling watched.But his attention got caught by a bird flying over his head and he followed it to the next tree.
Watching how it landed, he didnt notice the little footsteps behind him."BOO!"Scared, Leo twisted around as he fell to the ground, his eyes looking at what was in front of himThose were...ghosts!?To their surprise he suddenly started crying."Grandma, there are scary ghosts here!" He cried out, leaving the said ghosts in shock."L-leo, calm down! Its just us!" Hugo said as he pulled up the white fabric of his (not so) scary ghost costume, and Celia did the same."H-huh...?" He needed a minute to realize that those in front of him were his friends, not the frightening ghosts he read about in a book."Y-you're mean! Why would you scare me like this?""S-sorry, we didnt mean to scare you that much!" Celia apologized as Hugo helped his friend up."We thought you would like our costumes..." Hugo shoved his back in place again.Well okay, the mouth looked kinda cute and he could clearly see Hugos bright blue eyes...but still!"W-well, they are not bad....""You dont have one?""Why would I?"The two ghosts almost looked disappointed at their friends denial."Oh...we just thought we could wear them together, you know...""Oh...that sounds nice.." Perhaps he should ask Adele after all?Suddenly Leo's vision turned dark as he felt the light weight of a cloth on him, a big, white piece of cloth."Hold still." He recognized his grandmother's voice as she shoved the fabric in the right place, until leo was able to see again. He turned around, looking at her with his still teary eyes."G-grandma?""Isnt this more fun?""Hey, you are one of us now!"He couldnt see it, but his costumes matched his friends perfectly."You made that?" Hugo asked Adele."Yours look so good, i had to keep up." She joked."Now, go play already, you little ghosts."She gently pushed Leo a bit forward as Hugo and Celia took his hands...Those memories were overcoming Hugos head as he stood in the middle of Ludirome's marketplace, the sellers already worried for him.
It was their first fall in Aedis and he already heard how the Blaze seniors planned a little event, they also thought of costumes for everyone.If he remembered correctly, Michelle was suggested a witch costume which she slightly took as an insult. Lucien was forced into an angel costume while Vanessa was given some little devil wings.Maxime had fun thinking of a vampire while Yelsy seemed very interested in a Nurse costum that was way too revealing in Hugo's opinion. She even wanted to give Toto a pumpkin head. And the instructor...well... he hoped she'd never hear the suggestion for her."Young men, are you alright?""Hm? Oh sure. I apologize, i was drifting off. "The lady that spoke to him had a booth full of fabric and clothes and sewing material. He recognized some of them as what Celia liked to use. Right, those two didnt think of a costume.They never really celebrated ever since...His attention got caught by folded, broad pieces of white fabric, similar to bed sheets."Can i get three of those please? Oh and good scissor might be necessary too..."The lady handed him the materials, a little confused but curiousOnce he paid he quickly ran off, back into the academy grounds and to his and Leo's room. On his way he spotted them chatting near a tree, so he had to hurry. Good thing everyone else was inside!In their room or rather Leos side, looked as messy as ever, but he didnt bother nowHe unfolded the fabric and immediately the scissors got to work..."So you are telling me that you are still scared?""N-no, thats not what I said! Being scared of that is not noble at all! B-but still, its a little weird...""Come on, neither you or Hugo showed any interest in it those past years, whats up with you?""He probably thinks it childish" Surprisingly, Leos sounded a bit dissapointed at that.Celia got startled as she saw a white figure peeping around the corner, showing her to be quiet.Leo couldnt see it as he was facing her.But thanks to how tall those two grew, it didn't take her long to recognize Hugo under the white sheet, his blue eyes not to overlook as he slowly got closer."Celia? Something wrong- hey!"Leos vision darkened in a strange familar wayHe soon recognized it as fabric and shoved it until he could see Celias laughing face again. Yet those were...holes cut in it?"Oh, good plan!" She spoke to the figure that handed her one too and she immediately pulled it over with now problem.Only now Leo recognized Hugo's clothes under it."What are you-'""You don't remember?""I-i do but..." his expression got a bit sadder."Great, now be a noble ghost and tag along. Today is a day to celebrate, we wouldn't wanna miss that out." Hugo sounded utterly cheerful as he gently pushed Leo, just like Adele did back then."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"'c'mere bamco just wanna talk' 🔫🗡️
ft. Summoner Meimei#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcduke"Have a Happy LumiParty Halloween! Our Blaze cadets have all found pumpkins to carve!🎃"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"His proudest moment is saving a group of kids.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"dadstien#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Time to grill up a football#TalesofLuminaria
#lynloveslumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://youtu.be/YxH4TPZJANE"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 18 - Bastien ForgeNot my favourite episode and character... But Bastien is really cool, protective and sometimes so funny. His past seems tragic, I want to know more! Demoulin was so annoying 🙄#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Bastien getting into the holiday spirit!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Bastien day huh? I needed to learn more about you. I liked your lv 1 MA where you just WACK the enemies in one hit. I also thought it was funny when Laplace suggested you could fight naked and you agreed. 😂#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Well, I guess I have to admit that I want everyone to get their second episode at least.
The ending to Bastien's episode made me think, why did he want to die? Where did that power come from?
Also, kid Bastien is awesome!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
I will never read or say the word ‘Bubbly’ without thinking about the end of this video. The line delivery in this is legendary"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumipartyIt's time to celebrate our favorite gentle giant! Bastien!
And what a gentle giant he is, he might be stoic and incredibly strong, but he's probably the kindest man in the entire EmpireHis interactions with Laplace are so sweet and innocent (at least on his part), he's just completely straight-forward and honest. There's no deceiving bone in his body, he just executes the missions he's being given, he gets the job doneBut outside of battle, instead of being the scary enemy he looks like, he's the absolute sweetest soul. He did manage to look right behind Laplace' walls, and he does act as somewhat of a guardian for Falk and Hugo, helping them to unfold their true potentialHe's just the absolute sweetest soul and I bet he gives the most amazing hugs"
Original Post's Caption:
"Nasturtium: "Conquest" and "victory in battle"
I think there's no better fit for the unbeatable Black Wolf and at the same time gentle giant, Bastien
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 18: Bastien Forge is observing the venue for any potential danger.Next up, we have the gentle black wolf; Bastien~At first glance, Bastien seems to be a serious veteran knight who values mission and honor above all else but of course, Lumi being Lumi, twisted that trope once again... in a good way!While he does focus on his mission, he is actually a caring gentle giant. His power might cost him his emotion but thankfully, his heart still there. Although, i wonder if the emotion itself is completely gone, especially after seeing him interact with Laplace.Him being related to Leo is a pleasant surprise and just like another certain master-pupil, i wish for them to reunite and train together again. Maybe you can even throw in Falk as the rival for Leo since he wish to be like Bastien.His power and origin is no short of mystery. I wonder what is the source of it and why he yearns for a release. I can see that his episodes might tackle this so thats another reason why this story need to return and be told.I am inexperienced with Bastien so im not really sure as to how to describe his playstyle but from what i see, it seems like it packs so much power and i think i remember some sort of gauge there, too. It reminds me of dark knight classes in RPGs."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"【lumiparty アウグストとバスチアン】
🎊End of Day 18🎊18日目終了🎊
🎊Day 19🎊19日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 19 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Falk
B. [Tarot] XVIII. The Moon
C. Guardian✨パーティーの19日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. ファルク
B. XVIII. 月 (タロット)
C. 保護者
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @"🎊Day 19🎊19日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Falk to life!
ファルクに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @CliffordChapin🔉100% R: #田邊幸輔#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Thats all you need to know about Falk...a misbehaved toddler.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Every husband in existence. Ever.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Wanted to re-share Falk-liggle on his day. ✨#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Original Post's Caption:
"22.08 🎁🎊✨Falk-liggle enters the scene to celebrate#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 19: Falk
The memories I most associate with Falk are actually the ones I made here on Twitter. Listening to @NeoNeokey
talk about all their really cool AU fanfics (that usually star our boy, Falk!) along with @judgment_divine
has been very fun!"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 19: When there's a party, there's music! And The Laurence band is here to entertain the guests with their music! Right after the lead singer recovers from a fall because of the cable...
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Falks day, so here the original renders of his ep 1 and ep 2.What would Hugo have made him and Amelie in the next mission? Divorced?#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Falks day, so here the rainbow falcon and his Badges.(From the original game files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our shining falcon 🦅(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"The ending we all wished for..."the next morning" 🌄(All used assets are original Luminaria assets + Unity standard particle system)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"Behind the scene...or in the scene?"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumipary #lumiparty2022
For Falk Day I feel I NEED to show you the absolute best part of his first episode. (Sound is REQUIRED)"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"'I told you... just hang on.'Traced from @judgment_divine
fantastic edit!(Not trying to draw the background cuz i am not a masochist!)#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"*points
a menace
a gremlin
a misbehaving toddler#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"'Please, our dawn will come... you just have to open your eyes.'#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
I swear, usually I'm not into the angry type of characters. I'm not into the aggressive, easily angered Bakugou type of fictional boys. BUTFalk hit different, for some reason. He was my favorite from the second I saw him, and with each appearance he had I just fell in love with him even more. Yes, yes rude, he's easily angered, he's violent and won't hold back to get a job done. But there's so much more to himIf you really think of it, he's the Empire's answer to Leo. Both grew up without parents, both lost their guardian figure, both have someone in the afterlife who they believe is watching over them now, who they want to make proud of them.They're not that different. Their circumstances have been similar, but different enough to make Falk take a different direction. Where Leo is trying to act noble and live for others, Falk is trying to survive. He's trying to live, not just for himself but Joyce' sake as well.His aggressive, rude exterior comes from a long history of battling to stay alive. It's been mentioned both in Alexandra's and Falk's own 2nd episode that growing up as an orphan in Highgarden is probably the most difficult upbringing for a kid imaginable.And yes, it does not excuse his behavior. He's incredibly rude and sometimes even violent towards Amelie, but it's the way of the street. It's the only way he knows how to live, and her kindness was probably hard for him to bear at first, probably mistaking it for pityGod, if you really think of it, he's such a deeply complex character, and he doesn't seem that way at first at all. You have to get to know him to uncover his softer, more caring side. Just like Hugo did in his two episodes.Because Falk does care. Absolutely he does. He wouldn't encourage and even cheer up Hugo after he's been assigned alpha in training, even though it's been a position Falk himself has been after. He's ambitious, but he's not selfish. He cab acknowledge Hugo and his skillsI know I'm rambling at this point but Falk means so incredibly much to me, it's hard to put it in words. I'm really glad I got to follow this angry yellow man around on his two episodes and I hope I'll get to see him again some day 💛"
Quietchie's Original Post's Caption:
"Yarrow: "Love" and "healing"
Probably two words you wouldn't associate with Falk at first, but you can't deny that behind these walls of anger and pain, there's a person who cares deeply about his friends. I hope it's this love that will hell him heal. #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"Let's not forget the chibi I made for the countdown, hehe~"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"Also, additional bonus: some cosplay pics @muffinamyy
took of me earlier this year! I was so excited to cosplay Falk ~"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"I see that it's officially the Empires best boi's day so here he is!
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 19 - FalkI'm ambiguous... Most of the time I like him, but when he's mean to Hugo or Amelie I could throw a stone 😤 His playstyle and outfits are pretty cool. The newlyweds scene was great 👌😂#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"I like Falk's epi. 2 more. The beginning is sad... The rest is great. His outfit is so cool 😎 I think we would have seen more from Falk's caring side in future episodes... I hate Bamco more every day 😭#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Okay but cant wait for this fight! For now, he won. ⚔️
(Getting picked out=loosing)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Sometimes, that neck is just too tempting!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"It's a short one today but...
"No comment."
That tone was absolutely gold! The completely different reactions from the boys were hilarious!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"Tomorrow is her day AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Have a great day like her 🥹🙏
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @AmadL"I'm obsessed with his back #luminaria #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"I forgot to tweet about Falk. I liked his relationship with Amelie. I actually would've liked to see him interact with Yelsy and see how that would have went. He had a fun playstyle as well.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 Day 19: Falk expect you to remember him as the great falcon of the Empire!Another late submission, we are moving to team Laurence, starting with our lone falcon; Cla-- uh... i mean, Falk!As someone who loves both hoodie/jacket and dual blades, Falk's design quickly become one of my most favorite. He prob my 2nd fav in the Empire. He just looks so cool and his whole mercenary who is fighting to survive backstory just adds more depth to him.I knew his rudeness could be a bit off-putting to some and honestly it also gets me sometime too. But i think that also adds more impact to the moment when he becomes genuinely kinder or reasonable. I feel like deep down he cares of his team mates and merc group.Like, i am very certain that he does care of Amelie in his own way and values her as longtime friend--- if not more.Still, i would like to see him develop, open up to more people, and figure what the actual meaning of becoming stronger.his playstyle is one of the unique ones since it allows him to glide through places. If not due to Ed's aerial playstyle, Falk is probably my main since i remember trying to reroll for his empire robe at one point. i only managed to obtain his weapon tho..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"【lumiparty アウグストとファルク】勧誘の押しに負けこの場はお別れしたけど、私はあと2、3回アウグストが偶然を装い「帝国軍入りのご検討を」って帝国軍に入るメリットを延々と語り、根負けして「しゃーねぇなぁー、つまんなかったらやめてやる」って帝国軍入り→エピ1だと思ったりするw"
Original Post's Caption:
🎊End of Day 19🎊19日目終了🎊
🎊Day 20🎊20日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 20 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Amelie Laurence
B. [Tarot] XIX. The Sun
C. Rain✨パーティーの20日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. アメリー・ロランス
B. XIX. 太陽 (タロット)
C. 雨
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @"🎊Day 20🎊20日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Amelie Laurence to life!
アメリー・ロランスに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @BrynApprill🔉100% R: #山根綺#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"What's up @LuminariaParty I have again another karaoke invite this time it's for regret try not to get too sad singing this one ;_; pls join just like last time 😁P.s AMELIE DAY AHHHHHH #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 20: Amelie
Sweet, precious Amelie! My silliest and most often thought of memory of her was getting drunk enough on one of my playthroughs of her episode that I started sobbing over how nice she was and how much I loved her! 😂"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @elilaflav"When someone sent me the link to the last bit of lumi merch that existed, I knew I had to snatch 💛 now I can carry around my poster to be signed IN STYLE 🔥#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 20: The game's afoot! Detective Delacroix will solve any case you have! (along with her sidekick, Raoul)
With Lydie's thinking lollipop and Raoul's pipe as their secret weapons, they're ready to solve the next case!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Amelies day, so here the original render of her rather short but cute ep 1.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is the day of my zodiac sign-sister Amelie (cancer 🦀), so here rainbow Amelie and her badges.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of second lieutenant Amelie Laurence!(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 20, AmelieAmelie was a difficult character to control, as she fell at a certain rate during battle and her weapon flew away.
And the Lorance Squad was awesome! Wish I could have seen them in action more!#lumiparty
"I really wanted to see the past part of episode 2! I didn't think you could control Amelie's childhood, and it was really cute."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"AU...?#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
"(Joyce and Falk look older than intended, i swear they're supported to be the same age!)"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Captain Amelie!!! Permission to be your best friend, ma'am?!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"Amelie day! I don't have much original content but man she is my favorite, I think because she was so nice and sweet but was on the empire side that contrast was so interesting. I was proud to make top 50 for the cat face raid keeping her alive with coms
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
"I was really sad her only ep was short, but she made up for it by being in Falc and Hugos eps I wanted to see lil Amelie in EP 2 but yeaa lastly, I was reading her bio and was curious if this excerpt about an explosion was going to go somewhere art by @/creluu go pay him for more"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"Next we have Amelie Laurence
I was proud of how she turned out in these
"Few extra photos too"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"More AU!Hugo is now decked in imperial street clothes (stolen from the closest clothing line)#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 20 - Amelie LaurenceI totally love this hard luck girl 💚 She's absolutely great. I like how she speaks with Clau... I mean Falk! And come on, her child version is sooo cute! Love her second MA 🥺#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Amelie's only episode was short, but it had plenty of good and funny moments! I don't remember if I recorded my JP account one with child Amelie, but here's the peak of her tripping accidents with some Claude moments.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
Amelie day!!
God I
Gotta be real with you, Amelie was probably my least favorite character at first
She was so annoying in the beginning and it took me a while to get used to her and look behind her clumsiness and high pitched voiceBut when I DID
God was I surprised about what I found
Because Amelie is easily the sweetest character in this entire game
She probably cares more about the well being of others than anyone else and has such a motherly and nurturing side..I just think she'd make a really great mom one day. She never had much, growing up in an orphanage and everything, but she has so much love to share. God, she's so sweet she's sending me into cuteness overload ;A;Plus, I gotta be honest, I actually really love her design (and no, not because of the, uh.. obvious reasons)
I think the colors work together wonderfully and I love that she has short hair! It suits her so well!"
Original Post's Caption:
"Coreopsis: "always cheerful"
It's a shame we never really get to know more about Amelie's backstory, but one thing that's for sure is that she cares deeply about others and tries to be a good influence on everyone with her cheerful nature #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Amelie! Such a fun and quirky character, she has such a kind heart. I wanted her to meet Leo because Leo thought everyone in the Empire was an evil person and I bet Amelie would change his mind on that.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @yud_firman"Amelie was my favorite character, but i couldn't play much with loli amelie since eos announcement come, there's so few player on raid, i really looking foward how loli amelie and falk act on orphanage #TALESOFLUMINARIA #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 20: Amelie Laurence has brought you a nice bowl of Amelie's stamina bowl to--- Oops!!!Next up, we have the team leader. The clumsy-go-lucky girl; Amelie~One of the kindest and purest soul in the Empire- or prob the whole cast. Altho, it took me a while to be liking her because i feel like her voice is too high pitched at times and i am not a fan of fanservice-y aspect of her design. her outfit looks amazing tho!Just like with Alex, she quickly earned my attention as soon as i encountered her in-episode. Her motivation to help the ones in the orphanage is both simple and nice. The idea of clumsiness balanced with good luck is also amusing as it brings various unexpected events.I feel like with her kindness, she could have a positive influence on people. Not only with Falk and Hugo, but also with the others in the Empire; or maybe even other faction. She and Yelsy could be a good combination that spread positivity~I find the fact that her luck and clumsiness plays on her gameplay as something interesting but it feels a sort of clunky for me. It would be neat if they could enchant it more since it is a nice idea."
🎊End of Day 20🎊20日目終了🎊
🎊Day 21🎊21日目🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 21 of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. Hugo Simon
B. [Tarot] XX. Judgement
C. Sunlight✨パーティーの21日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. ユーゴ・シモン
B. XX. 審判 (タロット)
C. 陽光
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @"🎊Day 21🎊21日目🎊Let's give our thanks to the VAs that brought Hugo Simon to life!
ユーゴ・シモンに命を吹き込んだCVに感謝を捧げましょう。🔉100% L: @ericvale🔉100% R: #竹田海渡#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"🎊 HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY TO TALES OF LUMINARIA!! EVEN IF WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE IT OURSELVES!! 🎊🎊 テイルズ オブ ルミナリア、1周年おめでとうございます! たとえ自分たちでお祝いをすることになっても! 🎊日本発売日:11月3日
Worldwide Release: 11/04
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences, Day 21, YugoIt is cool to see Yugo in the Federation and in the Empire, working hard for what he believes in and what he wants to protect in different environments.
"The controls were very difficult but challenging, and I practiced a lot.
I often fell down because I couldn't catch an attack, but it felt really good when I got the just-guard right!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"I will always hope that there will be a happy ending in the end, even though there have been many hardships, such as the breakup with my childhood friend, and our differences with Lisette.
It was a happy time... that line was really sad."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 21: Hugo
I feel like this doesn’t even scratch the surface of why I love him (despite it practically being an essay lol) but I did my best:"

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
I think about the scene where Hugo thinks organizing spices by region is going to save him during a cooking crisis a lot.
Every time I cook and go to add in the spices I can't help but smile."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Hugo being rightfully terrified for Leo's life.
This moment will live forever in my brain, rent free.
The voice actors clearly are having the time of their lives!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day 21: Hugo-centric oneshot, and the final one for the trio's series.
The story takes place right after Leo's at a certain point. More art I drew for this story in a different post.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Just like the first two, I drew for this one too. The difference? I made more than just one.
No Embleo for the first part because I'm assuming they haven't got it yet.
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Hugos day, so here the original renders of his ep 1 and ep 2.Still in love with the end of ep 2 as he sees Leo in shining light in front of his very eyes as he talks about nobility with Bastien...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is Hugos day, so here rainbow Hugo and his badges. 🗡️🛡️(From the original UI files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Here the original Character Menu movies as well as the Gacha movies of our protective Jade Wolf.(From the original movie files)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Still absolutely love that scene.That face....thats the face you make when you realize what you just did, giving your slightly insane friend an explosive lighter in a mine full of detonate...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Enjoy some of Hugos hiccups (defense mode) as he fights Bozak. 💚🗡#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Just going to share this again for Hugo appreciation.💚#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Original Post's Caption:
"We all know its true tho....#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Wanted to reshare one of my favorite Hugo drawings; the Hugo suitcase!Lets be real, one day Leo will be fed up with him and just carry him back home like this...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Original Post's Caption:
"Dont mind Little Noble just passing by with his belongings.#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Enjoy the amazing Gardenburg OST for a moment (and Hugos well build body of course...)#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Hugos daily nightmares...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"Even Hugo wears Leo merch! ❤️💚💙#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"He got lost again...#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"Some additionals..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"Day 21 - Hugo Simon!
(..it kinda looks like a photo ID? lol)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"another Hugo!!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @hibikiai"ルミナリア1周年おめでとう🎉🎂🎈
いつかまた、みんなに会えますように✨#テイルズオブルミナリア1周年 #TOLUMINARIA1周年
#TOLu一周年おめでとう #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @yp21silon"テイルズオブルミナリア1周年おめでとう、これからも好きだ!!
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"The undefeatable Le Sant Tower! 💙❤️💚#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Throwback Thursday to when August just stole Hugo and I absolutely lost my mind cuz I thought it was so funny he just fuckin yoinks him away just "haha ur my son now"#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Last but not least, Hugo Simon!! He's just a little guy. A little man.#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 21 - Hugo SimonFinally one of my favourites again! I like how Team Laurence grow together in his first episode. And I absolutely love Hugo 😍 He's such a good (and hot 👀) boy!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Hugo's second episode is absolutely great. Bastien is pretty cool here, but Hugo is even cooler! I love his fighting style. I'm always happy when I get a perfect parry!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Here is my beloved Hugo. He's my second strongest character. I really miss playing with him. To try to get a perfect parry was always fun!#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"And here's my last tweet for Hugo day. My merch. It's so beautiful and sweet... Ahhh, I love Hugo so much 😍😭#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Thanks to @judgment_divine
for one more if her fantastic references!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Sons#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"🍲#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#lynlovelumi #lynslumipanels
Source: https://youtu.be/72mcTwEleno?li"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"I made a quick video of the karaoke for the 1st anniversary today Happy Birthday Lumi #lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"and a doodle of a gremlin laplace for today before i go lie back down#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @TacoBaco64"Hugo's day is last
It's definitely not my best work but I made do with what I had so here's him in his GE Ceremonial fit
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"He's got plenty of great moments, but moments involving Leo even without his noble presence are always the best!
Although... is frontal assault that stupid, Hugo?
(bonus perfect parry as a fluke in the beginning)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @MagilouMayvin"Oh Hugo, I was never that good with you, but you're a wonderful character, we all know ya had to do what ya had to do. Idk if I'm alone in this but I disliked knowing you became a traitor before we saw it happened.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Extra post for today: a raid solo!
I think some of you expect or already know who my main is, but that doesn't stop me from trying out other characters! Here's a Hugo solo on extreme against Bozak! (and the annoying lags)
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @coolmedina117"a tragedy in 3 parts #TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
I'm trying really hard not to be sad about it but today's Hugo day, and thus the last day of the Lumi party which I'll make a separate thread about in a bit
This one's dedicated to Hugo alone
And god, I did not expect to love this boy as much as I do nowEven before Lumi's release, I always wondered why in the world he'd abandon his childhood friends and switch over to the Empire, but thankfully that was one of the few questions that were answered. I definitely do understand Hugo's point of view more nowI'm sure he'll continue to fight for his justice on the side of the Empire, but deep down I always hope there was a happy reunion planned for him and Leo at the end. I feel like I Hugo might actually be one of the most relatable characters to meWhich is why I really hope he was supposed to get a happy ending. God he deserves it so much, he had to make so many hard decisions, and honestly, I can't help but admire him for that"
Original Post's Caption:
"Back-eyed Susan: "Justice"
Hugo's carving his own path to find his personal justice and protect the people he cares about the most, so I figured it was a good fit for him
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @iamachibi"They'll be able to reconcile some day, I know they will!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #ルミナリア #TalesofLuminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"Wanted to push out one last thing I could for #lumiparty ! #lumiparty2022It was gonna be part of a bigger drawing, but the rest of it is gonna be in non-chibi style so I felt it was dissonant.From a silly idea I had at 3AM because mushrooms are one of his favorite foods. 🍄"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"splat#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 21: Hugo Simon thank you for coming to the party and apologise if his friend is too rowdy. He wish to see you again soon!Last but not least, we have the protector; Hugo~there is only 1 more prompt left but i gonna give it a twist.Hugo's bio gives him a not so good first impression because it made me think that his reason of defection is because he got manipulated by August in some ways. Turns out there is more to it and im glad that we get an explanation for that. But before that...Lets take a peek at his character first. Hugo is responsible, composed and always strife to do something the best way he can regardless if its for his friend or his own justice. He seems to be one who can quickly get on flow, like how he quickly befriend Team Laurence.If Celia is sharp when it come to sightings, the Hugo is sharp when it comes to observing situation or general knowledge. He immediately figure out August's identity and catch up on every information that he gathered.While he has his own moment of hesitation, most of the time when he already set on something, he would see it through regardless of the cost he must pay. He truly do be looking like a knight this way.I am glad that we could see why he defect from JF and honestly it is understandable why. He lost a lot that day, after all. Honestly, i still wish they could give the explanation sooner tho.I wonder once he finally calm down and learn the truth on Lisette's side, how wi he feel about the whole situation? How will the other in the trio feel? That is, once again, a tale that remain untold that i wish they did.Complimenting his friend who is a front line attacker (Leo) and support sniper (Celia), Hugo himself is a defender who shields and counter.I myself bad at parrying but a perfect parry looks satisfying. I admire people who could do that!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Supplement for Hugo day! I'm proud of this solo nightmare battle against Bozak. It's fast because of burn and curse... But everytime I parry it was a perfect parry 😎 Ahhh, I miss Hugo so much 😭#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
🎊End of Day 21🎊21日目終了🎊
🎊Day 22, The Final Day!🎊22日目, 最終日!🎊 2022
A collection of everything posted for Day 22, the final day of the party! The suggested prompts for the day were:A. The Complete Cast!
B. [Tarot] XXI. The World
C. Partyパーティーの22日目に投稿されたものを全て集めました この日の提案テーマはA. みんな!
B. XXI. 世界 (タロット)
C. パーティ
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"THANK YOU!🎊ありがとう!!I hope you had a great time at the party! I loved talking with you all!💚
パーティーは楽しんでいただけたでしょうか! 皆さんとお話するのがとても楽しかったです!Let's make it a great final day!
💚素晴らしい最終日にしましょう!#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty
Damn, I don't even have art to commemorate the final day of our Lumi party because I can't use my graphic tablet rn
I can still share my thoughts. I WANT to share my thoughts, because this game has meant so much to meSo, to celebrate Lumi's first birthday, I'll dedicate this thread to the game as a whole, not just a specific character. I think it deserves that much'm not gonna lie, when I first heard about Lumi, I was sceptical. Tales of mobile games never really caught my attention for too long, the only exception being Tales of Link. Plus, the shut down curse was already well known back then. I KNEW it wasn't gonna last longI still wanted to give it a shot though. It was when the character trailers launched that I first fell in love. The designs were absolutely amazing, Answer was an absolute banger song and I just needed to know more about this gameSo I got it on day one. I think to this day it's the only game I played every day from the first to the very last day it was active. And Leo's first episode alone was enough to have me hooked, because GOD was it amazing. The soundtrack captivated me from the get go(Anthwan Forest and Reintz Barrens are certified bangers) and even the gameplay, which so many people had complaints about, managed to keep me both busy and entertained.
With each new episode, I fell deeper for both the characters and the overall loreIt quickly became a place of comfort for me. Coming back home after a stressful day at work, doing my daily missions (Falk's first episode was a go to for me, it took me about 15 seconds to kill those 30 enemies), waiting for a new episodeand then when that episode actually launched, playing the first chapter before my shift started because I was too impatient. I even remember getting up early when Falk's 2nd episode dropped just so I could play it right after it came outGod, I have so many good memories about this game. The story was tragic and even devastating at times, but it became an absolute feel good game for me.
Which is why the news of EOS hit me even harderI was having a real hard time already when they announced it.. But, I tried to make the best of it. I started the flower portrait project, and it was the most fun I had drawing in years. It really made me get back into art and put effort into my drawingsThat alone means so much to me, and I couldn't possibly thank Team Lumi enough.
Well.. Eos happened, but the fandom refused to die along with the game and here we are, months later, still talking about the game and creating our own projects dedicated to itWhich is why I'm not only dedicating this thread to the game itself, but also to you - everyone who participated in the party, everyone who remembers the game as fondly as I do
It's thanks to you - thanks to all of us - that this game, these characters, are kept aliveEvery day I see new fanart pop up on my timeline and my heart does a happy little skip every single time
Thank you for creating such a wonderful space here on twitter, for everyone who still loves this game as much as I doAnd last but certainly not least, thank you to @LuminariaParty
for organizing the event. It's definitely thanks to you that so many people got together and creating something so wonderful together. It was so very noble of you ❤️So.. That's it. That's the end of the thread, and unlike after the eos, I don't feel bittersweet, I just feel.. happy :)
Happy that I got to meet so many amazing people through this event and see their amazing art and just share the love for these characters who we care about"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答:: @NateNarcieq"very much agree with everything. I was thinking about doing a similar thread but then again I've left multiple ones back when the game was running and ending both on official posts and personal ones.I pray for it to return on one form or another. 八(u.u)"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TOLu一周年おめでとう Turns out, today is also the 1st anni of the game so here is a compiled chibis of the 21 main characters that i made for the party~i still cant believe i did all 21 and give thoughts on them daily. Hope you enjoy them tho~"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"And for todays party, i wanted to reshare our stars going on their own aftershow party, well deserved. They have reason to celebrate as well today ✨#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Original Post's Caption:
"Its time for the real stars to enter the stage✨* #talesofluminaria #luminaria #ルミナリア"*
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Day Final: Gaming party!
I finished this one days ago when I was trying to redraw Leo from my daily drawing practice. Celia/Hugo team smashed their way to victory against Leo/Michelle team!
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"I'm posting the best moments of the final episode, one for each chapter plus bonus part, much earlier this time. I'll keep the posts in a thread and hopefully none of the recording breaks.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022""Here, I kinda feel that Celia felt like she was 'different' from her two childhood friends because she was the only one who wasn't in the village when the tragedy occurred. And while they were running ahead of her, she was trying to catch up to them..."
"Out from the gloomy mood and into a funny part! Lisette absolutely roasted him after he claimed that he owned a mansion to the female students. Judging from his reaction, Lisette was most likely telling the truth.
Where does he actually sleep tho..."
"I love this part! And the merchant's sales tactic!
Hugo and Celia quickly stepped in though and probably acted as his parents for a moment before he spent their money on stuff that was probably useless. And Leo didn't realize that he was about to buy some kid toys."
"The cutscene was too long, so I cropped a bit of it. THIS part is the one that brings up a lot of questions we don't have answers for.
Like, what is the actual connection between Lisette, Gaspard, and the Feds? What actually happened in Le Sant and why it happened?"
"The heartbreaking ending after an epic final battle. They had a painful parting here, so it's only right that have a joyful reunion in the future..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Happy ending?#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ユゴレオ"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LuminariaParty"Y'know what?! What IS everybody's favourite song from the OST? Reply below!👀OSTの中で、みんなが好きな曲は何ですか?歌で返信!👀
Playlist/プレイリスト > https://bit.ly/3E16xEQ
Playlist w English Titles > https://bit.ly/3zK5Hts#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @LuminariaParty"Me, I'm a sucker for Boss Battle 01. Wish it had a better name LOL https://youtu.be/TKWPbtZadAgAlso honourable mention to Frosthrone Ahsbam. It's such a pretty song. Wish we coulda went there.😭[]{#53A182}"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @janiforme"BRO WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE GO SHIINA BANGERS(No main theme because it's cheating hehehe but it's so beautiful)https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=riX3q9CTJNoTHIS IS MY NUMBER ONE, I WOULD BE IMPERIAL CANNON FODDER IF I COULD HEAR THE FEDERATION TEARING THROUGH WITH THIS PLAYING"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @judgment_divine"Primordial Beast Battle is godlike! But i also like a lot of others; Fort Siege, Federal Advance 2, PB, Zaian, Hernfilly, Snakeseye forest, ...screw it, its all great!"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @azure_stardust"Domination Phase I (Empire's Advance) gets me so pumped! Its introduction at Alex's Ep1 was so fitting to the action of carving swaths through massive numbers of enemies! 💪
https://youtu.be/0JbVbEBm0hcI'm also still really fond of the Main Theme at the title screen. It just brings about a sense of wonder. And Welcome Home was just so chill and relaxing that I really just didn't mind sitting at the main menu for a bit. 🥰"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @FroglordMcDuke"I love Frosthrone Ahsbam the most, personally! Every time I hear it I tear up. It’s just such a moving piecehttps://music.youtube.com/watch?v=jFHvQQRSUV4"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @IiraEllaos"That decision is too hard, I can't choose, love absolutely all tracks from the soundtrack 😍😭"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @NatieNarcieq"while the ost is absolutely stellar and there are so many great bgm themes I have to go with the opening.I swoon about it a lot but the way this damn song got me hyped week after week is unreal.I like high energy openings but this one is the best one yet.and yes I know that it's not part of the OST. But still!!"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @TacoBaco64"Domination phase 1 Federations advanceThis just gets me so hyped and hearing it play in game was just so cool!"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @Quietchie"I'm gonna have to share my top five because I love them equally, it's hard to choose just one favorite
Reintz Barrens, Rage, Frosthrone Ahsbam, Theme of the Adventurers and Recollections
God I love them so much"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @coolmedina117"dirty top 5 Battle 01, Battle 02, Multiplayer Boss Battle, ldyll Rise, Welcome home"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @darkgreiga_dg"I like both Domination Phases from both sides, but my favorite would be Domination Phase II (Empire's Advance). It plays in Hugo's ep 2 and boy did it hit hard!My favorite from the unreleased ones would be Frosthorne Ahsbam. It has sad tunes in it but it's really good."
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @Valharke"Savior (event)But honourable mentions to:
Battle 01
Idyll Rise
Olsk Mountains
Highgarden Capital😁"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @THEYANG93"The menu theme, that piano tune was so relaxing and melancholic."
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @elfdragons2"I love both the song from miasui and the song that played when they returned to le sant. I don't remember the names but they're both so sad but yet so pretty. It's really a shame we never got to hear the miasui one in game"
↳Reply by | この方からの回答: @iamachibi"I'm gonna pick one from each composer!
Homari Kowazu - Underground Passage
Yuri Ookubo - Linking Roadway
Go Shiina - ...OK, he's the one composer I can't pick a single track from! Boss Battle 01 and all Domination Phase tracks!From Yuri Ookubo, I also liked Frosthrone Ahsbam and Zaian Darkfall.From Homari Kowazu, I also liked Multiplayer Boss Battle and Mission Battle"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"I know Lumi Party is over but I still have something to share; a little idea how a Lumi console version might look like.Just click on the link and click your way through it.https://xd.adobe.com/view/3700a463-ab6f-4b25-9dad-002362794b6c-6253/#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"I also have a few screenshots and recordings in the thread ⬇️"
"Crossroads episodes - menu"
"Jerle Federation - Menu"
"Gildllan Empire - Menu"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022Day 22: prompt says all 21 but aren't we forgetting someone...?Here comes the honorable mention; the loafely breadist and the super butler Frederick! They are one of few NPCs that stands out. I love them!But wait. there is more art for this day..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @starrisunset"Oops almost late to #lumiparty but I wanted to show off the one fanwork I was able to create for Luminaria, some sweet warm Yelsy/Vanessa 🥺🥺 They build a snow Toto together ❄️❄️❄️"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @janiforme"One of the coolest moments of my life 🤣💖#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Heaps and heaps of thanks to @BandaiNamcoUS
and @Funimation
for gifting me the GORGEOUS Luminaria case and AirPods Pro. I’m so incredibly happy to have such a wonderful gift and special merchandise of the game, can’t wait to continue supporting Tales of Luminaria!! 😭💖💖💖"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @yoruismyhubby"Very very late to the #lumiparty2022 but here is the thread of every rank for the Fave Fest: (recorded from Luci fave fest because I am rank 200+ for Anna and Lisette)#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア #lumiparty #リュシアン #LuminariaLucien Dufaure (Sword, banner)
Rank 84#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Lucien Dufaure (Crossroad, all weapon)
Rank 201#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Anna-Maria Marschner (katana, banner, Happy Hearts special)
Rank 153#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Lisette Regnier (guns, banner)
Rank within 200 (forgot to record, estimates 500,000 points)#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Charles (staff, offbanner /August banner)
Rank 53#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Raoul (spear, offbanner /Yelsy banner)
Rank 13#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Lucien Dufaure (sword, offbanner / Alex banner, Favor Day special)
Rank 44#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Celia Arvier (bow, banner)
Rank 139#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Vanessa Morax (twin blade, offbanner/Falk banner)
Rank 63#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Raoul (spear, banner, Happy Jokes special)
Rank 51#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Charles (staff, offbanner/Michelle banner)
Rank 41#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Leo Fourcade (katana, banner, Happy Bunny special)
Rank 145#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Vanessa Morax, (dagger, offbanner/Ed banner)
Rank 20#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Celia Arvier (bow, offbanner/Maxime banner) Rank 108#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"Lucien Dufaure (sword, offbanner/Hugo banner)
Rank 28Last hurray for fave fest before Crossroads 2, before the game met its dawn#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
🎊End of Day 22🎊
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"Day 22 - Party 🥂
once upon a time, they all went to one of Lunne's clubs and partied all night..! Happy 1st Anniversary, Luminaria!!🎉
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア
#TOLu一周年おめでとうsry for the quality- it's the best I can do rn but I really like it as it is too! I wanted to draw something like this for a long time..the lumi cast as party ppl! lol
too bad Maxime and the adventurer group couldn't come in(for looking too young lol) they're probably dinning!🍝the colosseum style battles are my favorite from the tales series(and FE) so I love this scene a lot! and I'm proud of myself thinking about a colosseum in a party style🤣 the embleo and reactor lights glowing in the dark! (but Falk would destroy most of the property..? lol)"
"here's a rougher version, I think it's easier to see the details. hope you enjoy it!☺️"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @shironekoriize"Luminaria reminiscences Day 22Happy first anniversary, Luminaria!And thank you for a very enjoyable project. I enjoyed having the opportunity to talk about the characters. And thanks to everyone who took a look at my post!
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"And for the last day, here are the original renders of the two Crossroads episodes.I cant believe Lumi Party is already over and it exists for already 1 year! and yet we had to live without it for about 4 months by now#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"No Character movies day, but here are the daily sumon movies ✨Note how it starts with Leo and ends with Hugo, even though they seem to be in random order#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"and heres the 2022 version. Not sure if its any different but it exists twice in the files..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @FroglordMcDuke"#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Day 22: Everyone
It’s insane to think that with 21 characters and only so many episodes this cast still has, in many ways, resonated with me more than any Tales prior. I would’ve loved to see how they grew! I’m still holding out hope for that day!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @judgment_divine"Today is a happy but also sad day. Its already one year and yet it feels like we never got to know the game well, it never had its time to shine. So I will just hope that one day, it gets another chance to make us happy💚#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
#talesofluminaria #ルミナリア"
"(It says "thank you, luminaria " ,thought i should clarify on that. Found that a while ago on twitter, credits to the poster (@tab_leaux).Its quite incredible they have a own alphabet but then again, it looks like leo was trying to write something while drunk..."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"The #lumiparty arent over yet for me.
Here is the chibi August I made for the countdown.
Happy would be anniversary #TalesOfLuminaria 😭
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Day 22 - The Complete CastThe Crossroads episode is absolutely great! Celia and Laplace are lovely, Leo and Alexandra are hilarious and Hugo & Albert... I don't say more 😂 I love all the encounters 😍#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"Sadly I uploaded episode Final a bit late, so YouTube still works on the high quality... And the bookmarks are not all done yet. Sorry, but I couldn't stop crying 😭 Will do that later...#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Alright, I guess this kinda sounds like bragging, but! Let me share the result of sleepless raiding nights!The only time I raided on max bonus would be on Macky week. Now how many hours did I sleep to achieve this? You probably don't want to know...
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
"Bonus part from Macky week!
I caught up and stayed 2nd place ONLY for this reason at first.For those who don't get it: Celia shares the same VA (Cristina Vee) with Berseria's Velvet. And I put a quote from Velvet's MA to my profile.I just have to say, mission accomplished!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"Speaking about raids, I often raided solo at the end to finally reach that 10 mil ticket and recorded the runs halfway through.Yes, I've created the playlist a few hours ago. And yes, I named it that way on purpose.#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"I finally stopped crying... For now. So I made a playlist with all episodes in CHRONOLOGICAL order. I thought that's nice to have 😁#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"And I also did a few months ago a playlist with my videos from all outfits and mystic artes. Maybe some of you want to see that from your favourite characters again 😊#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @IiraEllaos"My final tweet for the party... All my Lumi merch 🥰 The chibi army is ready to attack Bamco HQ! Really, I will cry forever because of EoS 😭The event was awesome, I had so much fun with you all! Thank you @LuminariaParty💚#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"On this, the final day of the Luminaria Party, please enjoy this video I made after the EoS announcement.#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"I never recorded any of the episodes past a few select moments, and I'm surprised I never want back to record the moment that almost made me throw my phone in excitement.So I took the audio files and put them on movie files. :3#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Everybody's here!!!Also, surprise!! These little guys are the inserts for a shaker keychain charm! I'd been hoping the sample would have been manufactured and arrived by now, but it hasn't. :'3 I wanna shake em.#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"haha oops my one-shot turned into a two+ shot.i think it might end up a three-shot fic but who knows at this rateanyway here's the link and a doodle#TALESOFLUMINARIA
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @GrandthePhoenix" was on the fence about contributing something to #lumiparty2022 (b/c I had no means to play the game, so not many memories to share) but I hope someday that if ToLumi picks back up, Celia & Michelle's stories will continue. They were the ones that hooked me in, after all <3"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"I promised an army of gremlin Laplace, so here we are!!!
Can you spot the outlier?#TalesofLuminaria
#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers"Before I forget, I'm going to re-share some of my Lumi stuff!#lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Original Post's Caption by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers
#TalesofLuminaria fans, I give you MORE THINGS! Enjoy!
https://imgur.com/a/iGgFGAi - Wallpapers (i tried very hard)
https://imgur.com/a/fK4XHms - Stamps
https://imgur.com/a/NbINyKh - Character Icons
https://imgur.com/a/AheIZhj - Badges/Emblems
https://imgur.com/a/Uzt8S0b - Event Art"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"Tried my best to merge the shot of the Jerle Federation that pans the screen#lynloveslumi"*
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"im gonna start tagging these as #lynloveslumi so you can block that tag if you want
hopefully i remember lol
here's the brief shots that flash by in the endings
the last 4 are unique to the crossroads ending"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"here are the shots that flash by in the endings before the final group shots!#lynloveslumi"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Lynsneakers#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post's Caption:
"memery and tomfoolery#TalesofLuminaria
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Strong boyfriend..#talesofluminaria #lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #ユゴファル"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Neoneokey"Here you go~ @LuminariaParty#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"An unexpected encounter near the border... (i hope this isn't against the lumiparty rules!)#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesofluminaria #ユゴファル"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @NeoNeokey"Toto Falk has entered the rink!#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty #talesoflinaria"
Quote Retweeted & Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @"Me: "glue together every single egg I can find"
Also me: completely forgets about the Easter event skit illustration and the rest of the egg plush doll attachments#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Original Post:
"Me: Well, Lumi eggs are simple, cartoony, and expressive, so I really shouldn't overthink it!Also me: I will glue together every single egg I can find, and I WILL find consistent guidelines (I didn't; they just have to be simple and expressive)"
✨ Question Time! ✨ 質問タイム! ✨ 2022
These are questions posted Weds-Friday a couple of weeks before the start of the event. ✨イベント開始の数週間前の水~金曜日に掲載される質問です。✨
✨Question Time!✨Who is your favourite character from the Jerle Federation?✨ユール連邦の中で好きなキャラクターは?✨
@KenMast87763989 | Lucien!! 🥰💞🎉 | |
@azure_stardust | 100% Maxime Hasselmans! 😄🏹💚 | |
@coolmedina117 | It's very hard to pick just one,😖 I pick Lisette because her mysterious past | |
@darkgreiga_dg | Celia! (yes it's very obvious) | |
@starrisunset | They're all so good honestly!!!! But I think I'm gonna give my vote to my wif- I mean my favorite Instructor Lisette 💜💜💜 | |
@Valharke | Vanessa and Yelsy. 😁 But they're all great. | |
@yoruismyhubby | Lucien Dufaure and Celia Arvier | |
@NateNarcieq | Yelsy! My absolute gacha focus and main🧡Gods I miss her so much | |
@SnivyCyndaquil | Maxime Hasselmans | |
@Inokinako_ | Oh no, I have to pick one?!!? Lucien's my fav dude and Yelsy is probably my fav gal! ...Or Michelle | Or wait Maxime... aaaaaAAAHH 🙈🙉🙊 |
@FroglordMcDuke | It’s a difficult choice, but I’d say Leo! | |
@IiraEllaos | LUCIEN ✨After that Michelle 😊 | |
@judgment_divine | Lil Noble ofc❣️ and special credit to Michelle cause we share the name | |
@NeoNeokey | Hm, a hard question... but i'd say Michelle or Celia. Tho i've started to grow really fond of Lisette and her story too! | |
@TacoBaco64 | Lucien 100% Best Lumi boi frfr | |
@iamachibi | Little Noble...though my pfp probably gave that away... Celia's my fave girl! | |
@LicoFlo | I ended up liking JF quite a lot so its hard to choose just one but i think it will mostly be the seniors (esp Lucien and Yelsy) because most of their personal episodes includes them working and interacting. I find their dynamic great! | |
@AmadL | Michelle. She'a got spice 🌶️❤️ | |
@m_urarangetu | ヴァネッサ! | |
@ThaissingArts | Maxime for sure!!! He is such a good lad! Turns obvious with my profile picture and all 😂 | |
@canotop_lumi (1/2) | realizing my top 4 favs were all in the federation lol (Hugo Leo Maxime Lucien) so it's hard to choose! takes a deep breath Maxime!! He made me laugh a lot, he's adorable, kind-hearted and cool.. I didn't think I'd like him this much but I got fond of him after the game ended🥲 | |
@canotop_lumi (2/2) | He has lots of interesting traits that I like(being a bit dramatic, rival and friend, prideful but cares more about others, hard-working but also enjoys life/gourmet) and has tons of funny moments! He gives me so much happiness to this day👍💕 |
✨Question Time!✨Who is your favourite character from the Gildllan Empire?✨ジルドラ帝国の中で好きなキャラクターは?✨
@Valharke | Don't have to think hard for this. He's not only my favourite GE character, but my favourite character in the game. Gaspard! | Was looking forward to his ep. 2 so much. |
@KenMast87763989 | August! 🍎🍎🍎 | |
@FroglordMcDuke | Hugo, he’s my favorite Lumi character! | |
@janiforme | GASPARD | Great guy, but also a great guy(?). I love his story, design, and personality all around! He’s one of the most involved characters within the plot for sure. Also his gameplay is siiiiicccckkkkk. There’s been so much foreshadowing with him, it’s a crime. |
@coolmedina117 | I LOVE CAPTAIN AMELIE! AHHHH | My non fanatical waifu answer is Gaspard haha |
@darkgreiga_dg | Yeaaah... it's hard to choose just one so I'll choose all faves here: I swear I can't choose between Hugo, August, and Falk! | |
@LicoFlo | I think its Alexandra! I have soft spots for characters that are "unlike the other in their squad" and she fits the criteria well. Plus her interaction with Leo during the cross chapter is rlly nice~ | Gaspard and August are the runner ups cuz of their mysterious lore. |
@NateNarcieq | Even split between Amelie and Laplace! | Tho I have to say the character I enjoyed most in the stories was Bastien. His presence made any episode instantly good x'D |
@ThaissingArts | For me I think irs Gaspard. He is interesting as he could be on everyone's or no ones side and it was hard to figure him out, but he is also our breadist guy. | I do also like Falk as I seem to have a soft spot for angry chihuahua characters |
@iamachibi | Hugo! I really really enjoy August and Gaspard too, though... Man... | Alexandra's my favorite of the Empire's ladies |
@IiraEllaos | That's easy. HUGO 😍He's my absolutely favorite character together with one from the adventurers (I think you will ask that later too, so I don't reveal who it is XD). He was my second strongest character in the game 😭 | After that comes Gaspard for me. He's so cool 😎 |
@Inokinako_ | Gaspard for sure!!!🍞🥖🥐🥪 | I also really like August and Alexandra too 🥺🥺 |
@kratoslesage | August ❤️ 🔥 | |
@judgment_divine | Hugo will always be the best empire boy, wherever his heart actually belongs to💚 | But i also really like Gaspy, hes just interesting and hilarious and i adore his relationship to Leo |
@NeoNeokey | Definitely Falk! But Hugo grew on me so fast and way more than i expected, so i'd say he a very close second. | He looks like such a good, well-behaved boy, when he actually gets into just as much trouble as Falk, not to mention his sass! |
@AmadL | Hugo and Gaspard really grew on me toward the end but I will always hold Falk dear and near to my heart | |
@Clonnehonkhonk | Gaspard and Laplace were the most intriguing ones for sure~just what were they hiding...? | |
@MagilouMayvin | Alexander no question. | |
@m_urarangetu | アメリー! | |
@Quietchie | Falk ✨ | |
@azure_stardust | For me, it's a 3-way split between Amelie, Gaspard, and Laplace. I adore Amelie's positive energy and resolve to just keep pushing through no matter how bad the odds look. Gaspard has a mystique about him that makes me want to know more, and he's a good guy despite being shifty. | Laplace also has that mystique and I lean into the belief that there could be a subtle kindness in her provocative attitude. I also appreciate her design a lot. She just exudes sexiness without having exaggerated features. |
@JCo_Sham | Thats unfair and impossible to decide! Falk, August, Alexandra, Laplace... | |
@elilaflav | F a l k |
✨Question Time!✨Who is your favourite character from the Adventurers group?✨冒険者たちの中で好きなキャラクターは誰ですか?✨
@coolmedia117 | I can't pick one, truly I was so excited for their factions story as a whole right around Charles ep 2 was super interesting;_; | |
@Valharke | This one is a bit difficult to answer because more so than the other factions, the adventurers play off eachother in a full group setting. All of them get a chance to shine. | But if I choose, I will go with Ana! Her lines and their delivery are just always hilarious! |
@darkgreiga_dg | Raoul! He's got that mysterious charm that was left hanging at the end of his EP 2... Ed's a pretty close second for being the softie pretty boy! | |
@yoruismyhubby | Who? OFC RAOUL THE BEST GUY | |
@LicoFlo | Adventurer overall is my fav faction because they directly tackle the world's lore on top of their interesting personal story but my most fav (and my main) would be Ed. A very cool character appearance + personality wise and also fits my playstyle. | |
@FroglordMcDuke | Ana-Maria! She’s so adorable! | |
@MagilouMayvin | Lydie cause we both have daddy issues | |
@KenMast87763989 | Really a tough choice. All 5 adventurers are so interesting. But if really need to pick one, I'll pick the genius girl: Lydie!! | |
@m_urarangetu | リディ! | |
@artdano | i adore ed so much i literally paid money to get his gear he is literally such a cool but soft cutie and his physique is just. chefs kiss | |
@raikutoenoru | I like Ana-Maria’s Iai Slash. Really fun counter mechanic. | |
@Quietchie | Ed 💙 | |
@IiraEllaos | Definitely Ed 😍 I can't describe how much I love him, he's the best and coolest guy ever! I was in both Fave Fests number 1 😎 And of course he was my strongest character. | Second favorite from the adventurers is Raoul. More love for this "old" man ✨ |
@iamachibi | Raoul! ...I'd like to believe that he really is just an archaeologist like he says, but I'm gonna have to doubt his claim | |
@TasogareKiltis | Ed. He's a cool character to play as. | |
@ThaissingArts | A little late. To me I think it is Indianna Jo- I mean Raoul. He is interesting, likes archeology and is suprisingly good at baby sitting. | Ed is also very cool! I really enjoy Lydie's design though! |
@CBa1j0 | 家庭用復活してくれー! | |
@azure_stardust(1/2) | Oh no, I love damn near all of them! Ed above all because of his combo of cool yet softie. It's touching how he just falls into the big brother role for Ana and Lydie. He's also the lost prince of Miasui and I was dying to see where that was going! 😭 | Raoul has definitely earned his spot among my favorite old men of Tales. I admire how he's both brains AND brawn as an archaeologist that can fight. It kills me that we're left with that stinger at the end of his Ep2, I wanted to find out more about him! |
@azure_stardust(2/2) | Lydie is an amazing little genius—understanding Reactor tech to the point of making her own while being locked up all her life is quite a feat! My favorite gunner to play because of her varied shot types! Really wanted to see why the Shade Corps marked her as a "prophet of doom". | Ana was a story that was JUST unfolding, of a naive princess who's about to learn about the realities of the world. I was touched with the development she got in Ed's Ep2, with her resolve to keep adventuring even knowing she may see things that she'll wish she hadn't. |
@azure_stardust | Charles...is why I said "damn near all of them". 😅 I'm sorry, but the brand of humor they're written around just doesn't fly with me. Still, they're an interesting character as a catalyst to direct communication with the Primordials, and it would've been nice to see if they could grow out of their obsessive devotion to Ana and become more of their own character. | |
@NateNarcieq | H.E.R | Ana-Maria made me so happy and I know a lot of ppl complained that a lot of adventurer episodes revolved around her but they were all treats |
@janiforme (1/3) | God all of them are fantastic, but I think Ana-Maria in particular shines. I like to think she's the face of the group even if Ed technically is but she has a great bond with all of them. Her bird freed from a cage story is really heart-warming and would've been | VERY compelling as a true console game protagonist. Her first chapter I think is fantastic, her bright optimism alone lights up her very horrible situation. If you took that away it'd be comparable to Michelle EP1 or August EP2 (pain simulators). |
@janiforme (2/3) | She cracks on occasion, just like all the complex Luminaria characters. (Such fantastic writing!) I really appreciated when she physically cuts back the return way to the empire and mentions how ridiculously restrictive her life truly was. | Also unpopular opinion: I think she and Charles are utterly hilarious. The dialogue has no business being so out of pocket and both of them clearly have many screws loose if they're even on at all. But also because their absurdity helps them cope with a dubious past/bleak life, |
@janiforme (3/3) | I forgive them. Also after that Raoul reveal, maybe he retrospectively may have deserved a teensy bit of it (affectionate). Likewise, they may deserve to get backstabbed just a little too (affectionate). |
✨Question Time!✨What are your Top 5 favourite 3* outfits? (Hugo's School Uniform and August's Farmer outfit not included.)
@azure_stardust | I actually like Alexandra's the most because that shade of blue is my favorite. 💙 | Followed by Maxime's because it hilariously makes him look TEN rather than 18. 😂 | Then Lucien, | Celia, | and Lisette. | Honorable mentions to Ed & Laplace, who I'd place on a 3-way tie with Lisette. |
@Inokinako_ | 1. Alexandra's!! its so pretty, id love to wear it irl!! | 2. Michelle's - i just think she rocks it so well | 3. Laplace - looks smart & seksi, kinda reminds me of a secretary for some reason?? | 4. Hugo - also very smart! | 5. Gaspard - HES SO FASHIONABLE | |
@janiforme | Lisette’s is my fav of hers by a long shot!! | However Celia, Michelle, Lucien, | Ana-Maria, Gaspard, Laplace, | and Alexandra | also have gorgeous styles. | |
@KenMast87763989 | 1. Lucien リュシアン | 2. Alexandra アレクサンドラ | 3. August アウグスト | 4. Laplace ラプラス | 5. Hugo ユーゴ | |
@LicoFlo | I like Michelle's! it looks rlly simple, sweet and soft~ | |||||
@FroglordMcDuke | 1- Lisette’s: I wish it was her official! It’s more fitting for a teacher and suits her way better! | 2- Hugo’s: He looks so great in it. I love the design so much! | 3- Leo’s: I would totally wear it its my style | 4- August’s: Very Castlevania 10/10 | 5- Amelie’s: It’s so pretty! | |
@darkgreiga_dg | I like Celia's the most, unsurprisingly, followed by | Hugo, | Alex, | Bastien, | and then Ed. | And yes, they all have my favorite colors too (blue, black, purple) |
@Quietchie | Definitely Celia, | Bastien, | Hugo, | Laplace | and Lisette! | In no particular order because I can't make decisions, I just think they all look very classy and fancy in their own way! |
@Valharke | Gaspard, | Celia, | Leo, | Laplace | and Yelsy! | |
@NateNarcieq | 1. Yelsy because incredible weird boob pocket fit cut! I really like the outfit itself but when I first saw it I was like "how does this work and how would it look if you just hold it in front of you?" | 2. Celia | 3. Alexandra | 4. Bastien | 5. Ed | Honourable Mentions: Lydie |
@MagilouMayvin | 1. Laplace's: Looks like she's slipping into something more comfortable. 😳 | 2. Yelsy's: Very comfy clothing, totally something I'd wear. | 3. Leo's: Very casual, and it just looks really nice on him. | 4. Ed's: Roughly the same reason as Leo | 5. Lydie's: I like the colors. 😁 | |
@IiraEllaos | Ed (you can see his muscles 👀), | Hugo, | Raoul, | Michelle | and Celia ✨ |
✨Question Time!✨
What are your Top 5 favourites from the Special outfits?特別な衣装の中から、お気に入りのベスト5を教えてください。
@FroglordMcDuke | 1-Bunny Leo: Two of my favorite things (Leo & Bunnies) combined in a fashionable package! | 2- Baby Amelie: She’s so cute! | 3- Celia’s non-formal. I’d definitely wear it! | 4- Michelle’s formal wear: It’s so pretty and suits her so well! | 5- Ana-Maria’s formal: It’s so lovely💕 | |||
@azure_stardust | I ADORE frills and fancy/elegant a lot! So my top favorites are both of Maxime's, | Charles', | Ana-Maria's Ep1, | and Laplace's! | Honorable mentions to the rest of the Blaze Formal uniforms, | Hugo's academy uniform, Michelle's Ep2 and Alex and Amelie's GE Ceremonial. | ||
@Inokinako_ | the ceremonial uniforms are all so good! (Fed & Empire's) this'll be a toughie | 1. Yelsy's ceremonial - the arrangement is so nice! | 2. Celia casual - love the blues! | 3. Maxime formal - its gaudy but its cute | 4. Young Alex - so refreshing! the ponytail! | 5. August formal- fancy💜 | ||
@Quietchie | First and foremost baby Amelie because she's precious ;A; | Falk's Ghost Squadron costume, | both of Ed's 5* costumes | and Lucien's costume! | ||||
@Valharke | Ep 2 Gaspard, | Ep 2 Yelsy, | Ep 2 Vanessa, | Ep 2 Celia | and Ep 1 August. | Gaspard's and Celias are super stylish, love the colours and form. | Yelsy's is really beautiful and goes so well with her wings from the fav fest. | August's and Vanessa's are just both really cool. |
@darkgreiga_dg | Celia EP 2 and 1 (obviously), | August EP 2, | Raoul EP 1, | Ed EP 1. | Honorable mentions: the rest of Blaze formals for the color scheme. | |||
@KenMast87763989 | All outfits are so good. Really a tough choice to make. | 1. Lucien formal - So stylish! | 2. Yelsy casual - Pink is quite match her cheerful personality! | 3. Ana-Maria formal - What a princess! | 4. August formal - Grand! | 5. Laplace formal - Red dress with her pink hair. Lovely! | ||
@coolmedina117 | Obligatory kid Amelie!!! | Lissette, | Cellia, | and Past Alexandra are standout to me | ||||
@NateNarcieq | 1. Yelsy's Blaze Ceremonial Dress 1. Yelsy's Flower Dress (big surprise, I know xD) | 2. Celia's second one | 3. Vanessa's second one | 4. Leblanc's GE Uniform | 5. Bastien's GE Uniform | Honourable Mention goes to Ana-Maria because I adore her. | ||
@MagilouMayvin | 1. Alexandra's beginning gear: Biased for pony tails. | 2. Yesly forest fairy: Who doesn't love those wings?? | 3. Bunny Leo: Color scheme is great, it looks so good on him. | 4. Ana Marie's formal wear: Very lovely + hair up is cute. | 5. Macky Valentine: He looks so dang good in it! | |||
@ThaissingArts | That's a hard one. In no particular order. - Bunny Leo | - Salamander Lydie | -Spring Yelsy | - ghost squardon Falk | - mini Amalie | I like a whole bunch of them and I would say this might not even be an actual top 5 either 😂 | However Macky's are best for being Macky 😏 | |
@IiraEllaos | That's so hard 😱 | Hugo EP2 and Ed EP2. They just look to cool for the world! | Child Amelie for being cute! | Lucien EP1, best formal blaze outfit! | And Gaspard EP2! | Honourable mention: EP2 outfits from Michelle, Celia, Yelsy and Ana-Maria! | And I like Raouls EP1 outfit too! | |
@LicoFlo | Not in particular order... | 1. Lucien's | 2. Ed's 2nd | 3. Maxime's 2nd | 4. Michelle's 2nd | 5. Leo's 2nd | ||
@judgment_divine | 1. Leo Blaze Ceremonial - the man looks absolutely stunning in it | 2. Leo Bunny Outfit - 🐰❣️ | 3. Hugo Casual Outfit - if thats his 'casual', i want to see non-casual✨ | 4. Luciens Blaze Ceremonial- again, looks absolutely stunning | 5. Gaspys Huazar Outfit | |||
@NeoNeokey | 1. Leo blaze ceremonial outfit | 2. Leo easter bunny | 3. Falk imperial ceremonial wear | 4. Celia blaze ceremonial outfit | 5. Torn between Michelle blaze ceremonial and Ana-Maria's pretty dress. | |||
@janiforme | All the Blaze ceremonials are fantastic but I think Yelsy and Lucien in particular Look AMAZING. | I’m obsessed with Yelsy’s paired with her glasses accessories, she’s the cutest!!! 😭 | As usual, Celia and Alexandra have fantastic fashion. | Both of Gaspard’s are amazing too! |
✨Question Time!✨What were your Top 3 favourite Mystic Artes?好きな秘奥義のベスト3は何でしたか?
@LuminariaParty | Basically, the ones I used the most. | -August's Ep.1: Meteor Storm | -August's Ep.2: Absolute Zero | -Laplace's Ep.1: Relentless Glance | I didn't get to raid much, but these helped me so much! Learning the timing to use Laplace's for max damage was fun!💚 |
@NateNarcieq | time to jog my memory owo | 1.) Yelsy's flower lazer | 2.) Ana-Marias mint chocolate one | 3.) Lydie's flame thrower that a lot of ppl most likely never saw!! | (there were honestly so many cool looking ones, but character bias makes it easier to choose x3) |
@janiforme | Vanessa’s EP2 where she says the equivalent of go kys! 🥰❤️ (anything for you queen) also the gameplay made for an infinite limit break loop ⚔️ | Gaspard’s EP1 is incredibly fun in multiplayer, so nice to support | Lucien’s wave spam and learning how to maximize DPS was a joy! | ||
@FroglordMcDuke | 1-Michelle Ep 2: Because Frog! | 2-Leo Ep 2: Because Bunny! | 3-Hugo Ep2: Because it saved my ass constantly against that damn Rhino in the raids! | ||
@azure_stardust | This is definitely the bias speaking, but Maxime's Brilliant Waltz Shot (Ep2) takes the top for me. 😁 The spinny part is wild and fun to watch and the poses he makes in the final shot are so adorable! | My other favorites are: Michelle's Ep2 - the frog summon is so cute and I really appreciate the healing | Lucien and Celia Ep2 (tie) - There's something satisfying about watching that wave spam, and watching how much Celia jumps around while firing those shots is fun! | ||
@darkgreiga_dg | If I'm already here, ofc the answer is gonna be biased. | Yeah, my favorite is definitely Celia's 2nd MA, followed by Hugo's 2nd and Leo's 2nd. | I like Celia's MA animation, Hugo's a satisfying reward after a good chain of parries. and as for Leo, I like those noble bunny hops! | ||
@Valharke | 1. Ed's ep 1 | 2.Alexandra's ep 1 | 3. Yelsy's ep 1 | I havent see much MA other than the initial 5 star and this is also based from what MA i have access to. Its mostly auto target/gotta go fast MAs because agile movements in this game is always most welcome. | |
@KenMast87763989 | Again, I've made my choices after a lot of struggling 😅 | 1. August Meteor Storm - fascinating spell! | 2. Yelsy Air Tornado - great damage! | 3. Alexandra Flash of Fangs - cool! | I also quite like Lucien Flying Slashwave and Bastien Dark Serpent's Liberation. |
@NeoNeokey | 1. Falk's Ghost Squadron one (love the chains, even tho it wasn't very good against multiple enemies) | 2. Ed's second one (it's so cool to have him zip around!) | 3. Leo's 2nd one. The way his embleo charges up and blinks to have him pause mid-air before he slams down is ❤️ | ||
@IiraEllaos | Again such a hard decision 😱 | 1. Hugo's EP2 - I love to protect everyone 💚 | 2. Ed's EP1 - I love that he jump so much around 😍 (and he get automatically to the enemy, so no missing MA 😂) | 3. Michelle's EP2 - The frog is incredible cute 🥰 | |
@yoruismyhubby | 1. Lucien ep 1 5* - massive drain to the boss hp + great tracker | 2. Raoul ep 2 5* - cuz he has sexc back + easy to charge the ma + easy to use | 3. Celia ep 2 5* - i just love her ans all of her utility |
✨Question Time!✨
What are your Top 5 favourites of the default weapons?デフォルトの武器の中で、お気に入りのベスト5を教えてください。
@yoruismyhubby(1/2) | By design, my t5 are ana maria, | lucien, | charles, | yelsy, | alex | |
@yoruismyhubby(2/2) | By usefulness, yelsy, | michelle, | ed, | ana maria, | gaspard | |
@janiforme | Yelsy’s!! 😚 No reason, it’s just cute! | |||||
@LicoFlo | 1. Michelle | 2. Yelsy | 3. Maxime | 4. Alexandra | 5. Laplace | Perhaps i actually just have soft spot for flower motifs. Lel. S.o to Leo's tho because the lion motif sure is noble indeed. |
@azure_stardust | I'm inclined toward the ones that have much vibrant color to them. Maxime, | Laplace, | Hugo, | Lydie, | and Michelle. | But a shoutout to Gaspard's too just because I think flintlock pistols are dang cool. 😀 |
@Valharke | Gaspard (no surprise maybe😅) | Lucien | Hugo | Yelsy | Going back and forth a bit on the 5th... August | |
@darkgreiga_dg | For once, not a biased answer lol. (maybe) I've always been a fan of swords and mostly Japanese swords, so... I like Bastien's the most, | Hugo, | Leo, | Ana-Maria, | and Alex. | Honorable mentions: Celia's bow still looks pretty neat and Raoul's spear looks pretty awesome too! |
@KenMast87763989 | My Top 5 are: | 1. Lucien (リュシアン) | 2. Yelsy (イェルシィ) | 3. August (アウグスト) | 4. Alexandra (アレクサンドラ) | 5. Falk (ファルク) |
@NateNarvieq | going purely by design (and adding a dash of bias): | 1. Yelsy | 2.Michelle | 3. Bastien | 4. Lisette | 5. Lucien |
@Quietchie | August, | Leo, | Hugo, | Laplace | and Falk! | Leo and Hugo mostly because their swords look so badass together in the final shot of the outro, August's wand is just magnificent, Laplace' bow is so graceful and Falk's dual swords look like wings, they fit him so well! |
@NeoNeokey | 1. Falk's (cuz i'm predictable and have a type) | 2. Ana-Maria's (simply classy) | 3. Yelsy's (cuz pretty) | 4. Leo's (just suits him well) | 5: Ed's (they don't even look like swords or daggers, just oversized all-purpose camping knives) | |
@ThaissingArts | Tough one yet again. A lot of them had rather meh art, so it will be more easy to judge on looks. But that's hard too xD | I think I will just go that they are all cool 😂 | ||||
@IiraEllaos | Hugo, | Lucien, | Michelle, | Gaspard | and Raoul 🥰 | |
@Clonnehonkhonk | Lydie's unicorn guns are the best lol |
✨Question Time!✨
What are your Top 5 favourites from the 5* weapons?5*武器の中から、お気に入りのベスト5を教えてください。
@janiforme | BOTH OF YELSY’S SPEARS ARE SOOOO CUTE, | Lucien’s sword is the most beautiful, | Lisette shooting the shit out of people with Chanel is hilarious, | love how Vanessa looks with the regal blades, | and a tie between Michelle’s brella, Charles’ candle, and Lexy’s rose sword. | |
@azure_stardust | Class of their own: All the Blaze Ceremonial weapons! Such elegant designs with some blue incorporated into them! 💙 | And then: 1. Maxime Ep2 - It's of course made for him but it also pairs well with Laplace's 5* outfit! | 2. Celia Ep2 | 3. Michelle Ep2 | 4. Hugo Ep2 | 5. Alexandra Ep2 |
@Valharke | Hugo Ep2 | Gaspard Ep1 | Celia Ep2 | Yelsy Ep1 | Alex Ep2 | |
@Quietchie | Falk's ghost squadron blades because I absolutely love the entire ghost squadron costume, | Hugo's 2nd 5* sword, | Celia's 2nd 5* bow, | Leo's bunny sword | and Ed's 2nd 5* dual blades! | |
@darkgreiga_dg | Wow, a hard choice! Style-wise I'd pick all swords and katanas, but function-wise it's a completely different set. | 1. Celia EP2 fills her awaken gauge faster | 2. Celia EP1 high dmg numbers | 3. Vanessa EP1 buuurnnn | 4. Bastien EP1 curse | 5. Hugo EP2 wider curse |
@iamachibi | 1. Yelsy's EP2 b/c pretty and matches her outfit so well | 2. Maxime's EP2 b/c of the bouquet | 3. Michelle's EP2 b/c nice parasol for all Staff-wielders | 4. Leo's EP2 b/c cute lil bunny plush for all Katana-wielders | 5. Ana-Maria's EP2 b/c fancy chocolate sword for all Katana-wielders | |
@coolmedina117 | Idk I can't really pick anything specific;_; | |||||
@ThaissingArts | I have a weakness for joke like weapons, so Leo's carrot katana is really high, just for being a carrot. 😂 | Yelsy ep 2 spear is so pretty | The curse blade was op | Burn dagger and poison gun was also pretty good. | ||
@FroglordMcDuke | The carrot sword will always be my absolute favorite because: | 1) Healing | 2) I’ll never get over how hilarious it looked when Bastien held the tiny bunny sheath in his GIANT fist | |||
@KenMast87763989 | Really take me a while to pick my choices 😅 | 1. Lucien Ep1 - Blaze Ceremonial Long Sword | 2. Yelsy Ep2 - Blossom Breeze Lance | 3. Ana-Maria Ep2 - Happy Heart Sabre | 4. Bastien Ep1 - Black-Red Blade | 5. Alexandra Ep2 - Lightning Bane |
@NateNarcieq | 1. Yelsy's 1st | 2. Yelsy's 2nd | 3. Ed's 1st | 4. August's 2nd | 5. Hugo's 2nd | (first two are biased and the rest is purely chosen by design since I didn't even have the last two but they look slick x3) |
@IiraEllaos | Hugo EP2 - CURSE THEM ALL! | Ed EP2 - Looks so cool & I love the arte! | Raoul EP2 - BURN! | Yelsy EP2 - so pretty! | Celia EP2 - pretty and cool arte! | Honourable mention to all the blaze ceremonial weapons, especially Luciens ✨ |
@Clonnehonkhonk | The umbrella and the carrot.... weapons? | |||||
@MagilouMayvin | Not really a particular order. | Leo Bunny sword | Macky rose bow | Yelsy flower spear | Michelle's parasol staff | Lydie's Shark guns |
✨Question Time!✨
What are your Top 5 favourite stamp designs from the PvE raids?PvEレイドでお気に入りのスタンプデザインベスト5を教えてください。
@raikutoenoru | Lucien, | Yelsy, | Ana-Maria, | Charles, | Amelie ~ | |
@coolmedina117 | Sorry all of them 😂 | |||||
@azure_stardust | I love all of them! But I'll talk about the ones I used the most: | Maxime = "gdi I whiffed my MA" | Falk = "BULLSHIT, HALEU/WATA" | Gaspard = "Sorry I couldn't rez you/whiffed the killing blow" | Amelie = "Thank you!" | Celia = "It's Bozak and I'm about to be yeeted" |
@Inokinako_ | 1. gaspard's LOL its my favourite OTL | 2. maxime is such a mood | 3. michelle's!! if she cheered me on my heart would be soothed ☺ | 4. lucien is very cute 🥰 | 5. idk i dont have a 5th fav ASJFHASFK MAYBE,, AUGUST'S BC HE LOOKS SO SILLY..🤣🤣 | |
@Valharke | Oh, this will be hard to decide. I wished there was room to have them all set in game! 😅 | Amelie | Gaspard | Maxime | August | Raoul |
@Quietchie | Vanessa, | Falk, | Lydie, | Amelie | and Raoul! | |
@darkgreiga_dg | I'm mostly quiet during raids, but here are the ones I spammed the most: | Hugo: atk buff | Michelle: heal | Maxime: MA at the wrong time | Falk: CURSE YOU SNEK/BIRB | Ed: did the connection error again? |
@Clonnehonkhonk | Alexandra smug when dead ehe | |||||
@iamachibi | I like Hugo's the most purely because of the face he makes. | After that...I dunno, all the eggs have so much personality and movement! | Well, I do like Alexandra and Raoul's "Leave it to me!" poses and Leo's lil fang too... | |||
@AmadL | Mostly used Maxime or Gaspard when I'm.. dead 🤣 | Then Falk, | Hugo | and Ed | ||
@NateNarcieq | 1. Yesly | 2. Ed | 3. Macky | 4. Laplace | 5. Michelle | (which is probably also a list of moat used ones in co-op x'D) |
@NeoNeokey | Hugo cuz his expression is just too funny | Then Charles, | Maxime | and Leo, cuz those are the ones i used the most | (Charles was very useful for communicating your boredom when Gemslay went flying.) | |
@ThaissingArts | I love the dying Maxime, | the orz Gaspard, | shocked Celia | and Amelie's heart. | Even used them on Discord server a lot. So much sticker spam | Michelle and Hugo were great for their boost 😏 |
@IiraEllaos | Hugo, | Ed, | Michelle, | Raoul | and Falk 🥰 |
✨ Poll Time! ✨ 投票タイム! ✨ 2022
These are polls posted on Mondays that start a few weeks before the event does and ends when all characters are in a poll.✨これは、イベントが行われる数週間前に開始され、すべてのキャラクターが投票に参加した時点で終了する、月曜日に投稿される投票です。✨The characters were chosen randomly after the prompt was made.
✨Poll Time!✨These three characters were chosen randomly!
Which one of them do you think would win at hide-and-seek?🤔この3人のキャラクターはランダムに選ばれました

Vanessa's crowned the winner of hide-and-seek!👑💚ヴァネッサがかくれんぼの勝者に決定!👑💚

✨Poll Time!✨Who would be the best at Dance Dance Revolution?🕺ダンスダンスレボリューションで一番うまいのは誰だろう?🕺

Lucien Dufuare sweeps the Dance Dance Revolution pad and is crowned the winner of this week's poll!✨👑リュシアン・デュフォールがダンスダンスレボリューションのパッドを席巻し、今週の投票では優勝が決定しました✨👑

✨Poll Time!✨✨Who would make the best idol?🎤✨最高のアイドルになるのは誰だ?🎤

Ed takes center stage as he's crowned Luminaria's Best Idol 2022!👑✨
Ngl, I thought the results would be a lot closer.😅ルミナリアベストアイドル2022に選ばれたエドがセンターステージに登場!👑✨

✨Poll Time!✨✨Who would make the best heavy metal singer? 🤘✨最高のヘビーメタル・シンガーになるのは誰だ?🤘

Laplace takes her crown as she's voted to be the best Heavy Metal Singer!! 🤘👑🤘ラプラス、ベストヘビーメタルシンガーに選ばれ、王冠を手にする! !🤘👑🤘

✨Poll Time!✨✨Who would have the best poker face?😐🃏✨誰が一番ポーカーフェイスが上手なんだろう?😐🃏

Hugo and Michelle had a very close race, but Hugo wins the crown in the end for Best Poker Face!✨👑✨ユーゴとミシェルは大接戦でしたが、最終的にユーゴがベスト・ポーカーフェイスの栄冠を手にしました!✨👑✨

✨Poll Time!✨✨Who'd have the scariest Halloween costume?🦇👻💀✨ハロウィンの仮装で一番怖いのは誰だろう?🦇👻💀

Amelie hides behind Lisette while Bastien is crowned the winner of having the Scariest Halloween Costume! (What was it??)👑アメリーはリゼットの後ろに隠れ、バスチアンは「最も怖いハロウィン・コスチューム」の勝者に選ばれた。(何だったんでしょうね)👑

✨The Final Poll!✨最終投票!✨✨Who would make the best original dance to Luminaria’s opening song, Tomoshi Beat?💚✨ルミナリアのオープニング曲「TOMOSHI BEAT」に合わせて、最高のオリジナルダンスを作るのは誰?💚youtu.be/DZHghijAuYU

It's the end of the final poll and the final winner to be crowned is... Gaspard!!✨👑✨ Thank you all for joining me this Lumi Party!最終投票が終わり、最後に選ばれたのは...。ガスパールさん!!! ✨👑✨今回のルミパーティにご参加いただいた皆様、ありがとうございました!

💚 Chibi Countdown! 💚 ちびっこカウントダウン! 💚 2022
The countdown banners made for the event starting on October 7th until October 14th! Thank you all so much for the hard work, they're so cute and I love them all!!!! Artist showcases are after the countdown! 💚10月7日から10月14日までのイベント用に作ったカウントダウンバナー! 皆さん本当にお疲れ様でした!!!
とっても可愛くて、どれもこれも大好きです!!! アーティストショーケースはカウントダウンの後にあります! 💚
✨Time to start the countdown!! 7 days until the #TalesofLuminaria party!✨✨カウントダウンの時間です! #ルミナリア パーティーまであと7日!✨
Falk ⚡ ファルク | @Quietchie💚
Raoul 🤠 ラウル | @iamachibi💚
Yelsy 🌻 イェルシィ | @cocoav27💚

✨5 days until the #TalesofLuminaria party!! Who has the snacks?!✨✨#ルミナリア パーティーまであと5日! お菓子は誰が持ってるの?✨
Bastien 🐉 バスチアン | @Clonnehonkhonk💚
Lucien ☕ リュシアン | @phiaarte💚
Charles ⭕ シャルル | @822_faru💚

✨The #TalesofLuminaria party is in 3 days! 72 hours remain!✨✨#ルミナリア パーティーまであと3日! 残り72時間!✨Lisette 🔫 リゼット | @Clonnehonkhonk💚
Lydie 🦄 リディ | @822_faru💚
Amelie 🌠 アメリー | @cocoav27💚

✨Only 1 more day until the #TalesofLuminaria party!!!!✨✨#ルミナリア パーティーまであと1日!!!!✨Hugo 🛡️ ユーゴ | @canotoplumi💚
Celia 🦋 セリア | @darkgreigad💚
Leo 🦁 レオ | @iamachibi💚

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"I was honored to be picked for Maxime and I'm honestly really proud of how it turned out! I had a lot of fun drawing him!😄
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア #lumiparty #lumiparty2022
Here's the original file for a closer look:"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Clonnehonkhonk"bastien and lisette chibis ^ o ^
we may be eos'd but we can still party
#talesofluminaria #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @cocoav27"ルミナリアパーティーのカウントダウンでちびキャラ描かせて頂きました!
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @cocoav27"アメリーも描かせて頂きました!
#lumiparty2022 #lumiparty"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @iamachibi"Super happy I got to draw these eggs for the #lumiparty! Here's their files, if you want a closer look!
#lumiparty2022 #TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア"
"It was the first time I properly used Medibang too, and like, actually tried to work with a bunch of layers for once. I also compiled at least 5 refs and did an initial sketch. Drawing him once meant the 2nd time would be even faster"
"Initial sketches for Leo and Raoul egg, to get an understanding of how I wanted their outfits to look. Also, bonus initial sketches!"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @Quietchie"Since they've all been posted by now I can finally share them hehe
The Ana-Maria, Falk and Laplace chibis featured in the #Lumiparty2022 countdown were made my me! Being part of this project has been so much fun!
✨6 days until the #TalesofLuminaria party!! Who's excited?!✨✨#ルミナリア パーティーまであと6日! クワクしてるんだ!✨Maxime 💐 マクシム | @azure_stardust💚
Alexandra ☀️ アレクサンドラ | @perryseity💚
Gaspard 🍞 ガスパル | @ThaissingArts💚

✨4 days until the #TalesofLuminaria party! It's so close!✨✨#ルミナリア パーティーまであと4日! あと少しです!✨Vanessa 🗡️ ヴァネッサ | @azure_stardust💚
Laplace 😈 ラプラス | @Quietchi💚
Michelle 🌼 ミシェル | @luminopoko💚

✨2 days until the #TalesofLuminaria party! I hope you're exited!✨✨#ルミナリア パーティーまであと2日! わくわくしてくださいね!✨
Ana-Maria 💍 アナマリア | @Quietchie💚
August 🍎 アウグスト | @ThaissingArts💚
Eduoard 🪙 エドワール | @LicoFlo💚

🎊LET'S PARTY!!🎊🎊パーティーの時間だ!!🎊🎨@822faru, @azurestardust, @canotoplumi, @Clonnehonkhonk, @cocoav27, @darkgreigadg, @iamachibi, @LicoFlo, @luminopoko, @perryseity, @phiaarte_, @Quietchie, @ThaissingArts

Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @azure_stardust"I had fun drawing Vanessa too! 💖 I wanted to mimic the raid stamp pose, but also flip it over since Maxime ended up weighted to the left. Though it looks more like she's delivering a flying kick...😆#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @canotop_lumi"Happy to present you puppy Hugo!! (or wolf Hugo!) Ty for holding this amazing event!🥳
//ワンちゃんユゴ、行きます!🐕 ))) もしよろしければ、lumipartyに投稿をどうぞ☺️👍
#luminaria #lumiparty
#lumiparty2022 #ルミナリア"
"work process// I'm not used to drawing chibis so it isn't my usual style, but I like how it turned out(puppy Hugo adopted!) I ran into some computer issues so I had less time to work on it, and would've been a slightly different design if I had more time. it went sorta like this:"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @darkgreiga_dg"I'm happy I got to draw my favorite and my main for the event! I had a blast making her!
#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア #lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
"An extra sketch, not sure if the scan is clear enough. This is the first sketch I did before I think about joining the event. The pose didn't sit right for me so I restarted the sketch after joining, resulting in the chibi for the event."
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @LicoFlo"Another Tales of Fan Art since forever featuring Edouard from Tales of Luminaria for Luminaria Party countdown with the pose based on one of his idle.Its a pleasure to draw him as he is both my main and most fav chara~#lumiparty #lumiparty2022"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @phiaarte_"This is art I had done for the collab if people want to see clearer photo of chibi Luci~#TalesofLuminaria #ルミナリア #lumiparty #lumiparty2022 🎉 #リュシアン #Luminaria #chibiart"
Originally Posted by | 投稿者名: @ThaissingArts"Tales of Luminaria Gaspard I made for the #Lumiparty"